Amidst the controversy over the doctrine of qualified immunity for cops, no one is talking about the full immunity accorded to the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency within the national-security establishment that wields omnipotent power.
Among the most ...
Do you recall that $3 trillion in stimulus money that the federal government sent out to people? Do you recall it was free because, as everyone knows, the federal government is rich? Do you recall how the mainstream ...
Take out your list of movies to watch and place The Last Narc at the top of your list. It’s now showing on Amazon Prime. Consisting of four one-hour segments, it will be the most fascinating drug-war documentary ...
This month marks the 75h anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. While proponents of the bombings have long justified them on the basis that they shortened World War II, the fact is that they ...
Among the greatest achievements of our American ancestors was the separation of church and state. Among the greatest things that Americans today could accomplish is the same thing with respect to healthcare.
The biggest factor that has led the U.S. government to initiate a hostile relationship against China involves the concept of empire. An empire wants to be the only empire or at least the dominant empire. That is, it ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
It would be difficult to find a better example of American socialism than the institution of public schooling or, ...
Yesterday, July 30, marked the 55th anniversary of the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid, two socialist programs that ended up destroying what had been the finest healthcare system in history, one based on principles of the free ...
A 15-year-old Michigan girl is getting a taste of the apparatus of coercion that forms the foundation of public schooling. The teenager, who happens to be black, is being held in a juvenile detention facility for breaking ...
How anyone can defend drug laws is beyond me. Consider the following:
During the past 15 years or so of drug warfare in Mexico, there have been around 200,000 deaths resulting from drug war violence. 200,000 ...