Two sentences in a New York Times op-ed today summarize perfectly a big blind spot that afflicts liberals (i.e., progressives). The op-ed, entitled “Don't Give Up on America” is written by a liberal novelist named Marilynne Robinson, ...
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, immigration is not a big burning issue in the presidential race. There is a simple reason for that: Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden believe in America’s system of immigration controls. Their only ...
There is no doubt that the 60-year-old U.S. embargo against Cuba inflicts horrific economic suffering on the Cuban people. That is its purpose — to squeeze the Cuban people through suffering and even starvation into ousting their ...
In one line in an editorial today, the Los Angeles Times has summed up everything that is wrong with America today. The editorial is about Trump’s early return to the White House after his hospital stay ...
Whenever I read an analysis that calls for reforming or fixing something the federal government is doing, I yawn. I find that sort of thing incredibly boring. In fact, when I first discovered libertarianism in the 1970s, ...
In his reelection campaign, President Trump declares, “America will never be a socialist country” … well … except for:
Social Security
Public (i.e., government) schooling
An important question naturally arises: How do we achieve freedom given the current circumstances under which we are living in America? I think most every libertarian would acknowledge that when it comes to liberty, America is a ...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
I grew up on a farm on the Rio Grande just outside Laredo, Texas, a city that is ...
The modern-day libertarian movement is besieged by statist proposals to reform the welfare-warfare state way of life in which Americans live. Included among such reform proposals are things like Social Security “privatization,” school vouchers, health-savings accounts, immigration ...
How many times have we been told that the information we send to the Internal Revenue Service in our federal income tax returns is guaranteed to be kept confidential?
So much for that myth, as ...