Oddly, those people who use the appellation “conspiracy theorist” for people who have concluded, based on the evidence, that the U.S. national-security establishment carried out a very sophisticated and deadly regime-change operation against President Kennedy on November ...
Progressives (i.e., liberals or socialists) want government to help the poor. That means giving money, food, housing, clothing, or other items to the poor. In a larger sense, they want government to take what is sometimes called ...
If anyone murders a federal official, you can be assured of one thing: the feds will do everything they can to ensure that everyone involved in the crime is brought to justice. It’s like when someone kills a ...
President Trump has announced that he is ordering a partial withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq during the waning days of his administration.
Why only partial? And why now in the waning days of ...
In what can only be called a federal judicial miracle, retired Mexican General Salvador Cienfuegoes is being set free in the United States and permitted to return to Mexico. Just last month, Cienfuegos was taken into custody ...
With some people advising Joe Biden to adopt a nationwide lockdown when he assumes the presidency, this would be a good time to ask an important question: Where in the Constitution does it authorize the federal government ...
Practically from the start of his administration, President Trump was suspected of serving as an agent of the Russian government. The U.S. national-security branch of the federal government — specifically the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI ...
WIth President Trump’s ouster of several key Pentagon and Homeland Security officials, including Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and replacing them with people who are loyal to him, an increasing number of mainstream types are expressing concern ...
With President Trump’s critics decrying his lack of respect for America’s democratic system by his refusal to concede to Joe Biden, now would be a good time to remind such critics of one dark-side aspect of America’s ...
Since even before Donald Trump won the 2016 election, it’s been clear that the American deep state has opposed his presidency. And while Trump has deferred to the Pentagon and the CIA by maintaining their forever wars, ...