In a radio interview with WVW, FFF president Jacob Hornberger discusses the national-security establishment's sophisticated plot to assassinate President Kennedy, given Kennedy's plans to move America in a different direction from the Cold War direction favored by the ...
U.S. officials have long criticized Japan for its supposedly unprovoked military attack on Pearl Harbor, which enabled President Roosevelt to fulfill his desire to intervene into World War II. As I showed in my blog post ...
Today, December 7, is the anniversary of the “day that will live in infamy,” as President Franklin Roosevelt put it after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The mainstream editorialists and op-ed writers will undoubtedly cart out ...
As most everyone in the libertarian movement knows by now, the great libertarian economist Walter Williams passed away a couple of days ago. HIs passing came as a big shock to me and, I suspect, to most ...
One day when I was in high school, my father told me about the death of his father. In the 1920s, my grandfather, who lived in San Antonio, owned the second-largest insurance agency in Texas. He had ...
While President Trump continues to maintain that the presidential election was marred by massive fraud, the mainstream press continues to maintain that Trump’s charges are “false” and “baseless” and that his allegations are damaging trust in America’s ...
Part 1 | Part 2
Some people argue that the solution to the problem of police abuse of blacks is to defund or dismantle the police. But that is no solution at all. That only opens the door to ...
Ever since Covid 19 surfaced last spring, there has been a fierce debate over whether people should wear masks. Some people, including virtually everyone in the government, have argued that masks inhibit the spread of the coronavirus. ...
Are you familiar with the mystery surrounding the roll that Robert Knudsen, the official White House photographer, played in the autopsy of President Kennedy's body? Join FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger as he talks about the story of Robert ...
It’s nice to see Democrats and the mainstream press emphasizing the virtues of democracy in the context of their condemnations of President Trump for refusing to concede the presidential election to Joe Biden.
But let’s not ...