How Capitalism Saved America
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo (Crown Forum, 2004); 285 pages; $25.95.
Back in my days as a college professor, I used to give my students a quiz on the first day of class. It didn’t count in ...
In a previous posting on the FFF site, I argued that the campaign of demonization against Wal-Mart was silly. As expected, a number of people emailed me to tell me ...
A History of Force
by James L. Payne (Sandpoint, Idaho: Lytton Publishing, 2004); 296 pages; $23.95.
Tune in to most news broadcasts and you will probably hear one or more stories dealing with the use of force: armed conflicts in the ...
The major political parties thrive on what are known as “wedge issues.” A wedge issue is one that takes advantage of the fact that many voters are motivated far more by emotion than by reason. ...
Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism
by Wayne LaPierre (Nashville, Tenn.: WND Books, 2003); 246 pages; $24.99.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. Nowhere is that phrase proven to be true more often than in the unending battle between those in ...
Dependent on D.C.: The Rise of Federal Control over the Lives of Ordinary Americans
by Charlotte Twight (St. Martins Press, 2002); 422 pages; $26.95.
I have often thought about how different the United States of today is from the United States ...
The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad
by Fareed Zakaria (W.W. Norton and Co., 2003); 256 pages; $24.95.
One of the most annoying things that Americans have to put up with during elections is the rhetoric that sanctifies ...
The Myth of Ownership — Taxes and Justice
by Liam Murphy and Thomas Nagel (Oxford University Press, 2002); 190 pages; $25.
During the Vietnam War, a popular protest slogan went “Fighting for peace is like drinking for sobriety.” After reading The ...
By Order of the President by Greg Robinson (Harvard University Press, 2001); 322 pages; $27.95.
If you go to the FDR Memorial in Washington, D.C., you will see numerous statues, including one depicting men standing in a bread line. ...
Rebels on the Air — An Alternative History of Radio in America
by Jesse Walker (New York University Press, 2001); 326 pages; $24.95.
YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE harboring an escaped Cuban child to receive ...
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