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Project Total Control: Everything Is a Weapon When Totalitarianism Is Normalized

“The biggest mistake I see is people waiting for A Big Sign that’ll tell them that things have gone too far. One Big Thing that police or lawmakers or the president/leaders will do that will cross the line. It’ll never come because they won’t cross it. They’ll move the line. That line you think you stand behind is shifting everyday with little actions, bills, legislations… That line will stop moving one day, & it’ll be too late... Every day, your sensitivity is being eroded by these willful atrocities. The envelope for what you’ll accept is being pushed. One day, all of these things will be your new normal.”—Nigerian writer Suyi Davies Okungbowa The U.S. government is working to re-shape the country in the image of a totalitarian state. This has remained true over the past 50-plus years no matter which political party held office. This will remain true no matter who wins the 2024 presidential election. In the midst of the partisan ...

The Right of Private Property in a Healthcare Crisis

During the Covid crisis, the federal government and state governments imposed mask mandates, vaccine requirements, and lockdowns on private businesses. Such measures were, of course, illegitimate exercises of governmental power. As I have long pointed out, however, the ultimate solution to such measures lies not in playing an endless game of whack-a-mole against them but rather to constitutionally separate healthcare and the state entirely at both the federal and state levels, just as our ancestors constitutionally separated religion and state. Once federal and state governments are prohibited from providing or regulating healthcare, people no longer have to concern themselves with playing that endless game of whack-a-mole against tyrannical healthcare measures. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. During the Covid crisis, however, some people went astray by arguing that private businesses should not be permitted to establish mask mandates and vaccine requirements on ...

Merle Haggard and the Lost “Free Life”

“Is the best of the free life behind us now?” Merle Haggard asked in a haunting 1982 country music hit song. Nine years earlier, Haggard had scoffed at potheads and draft dodgers in a White House performance of his song “Okie from Muskogee” for President Richard Nixon. But reflecting widespread loss of faith in the American dream in the 1970s,his “free life” song lamented Nixon’s lies, the Vietnam debacle, and the ravages of inflation. The issue of lost freedoms helped spur me 30 years ago to write a book titled Lost Rights chronicling how “Americans’ liberty is perishing beneath the constant growth of government power.” When I recently updated the political damage report in a book titled Last Rights, in hindsight, the late twentieth century seemed practically a golden era of freedom, federal, state, and local governments have unleashed themselves from the Constitution and commandeered vast swaths of ...

Time to Separate Piety and Politics

The First Amendment of the Constitution specifies, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In Washington, the “free exercise thereof” perennially includes politicians exploiting religion to sanctify themselves and all their power grabs. Piety with a side of eggs One of the most brazen if not most shameless “free exercise thereof” examples ...