Search Query: Gershkovich

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You searched for "Gershkovich" and here's what we found ...

Update on the Gershkovich Case

After keeping Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich jailed for more than a year on charges of espionage, Russian authorities released a statement yesterday alleging, according to the Journal, that Gershkovich “was gathering information about a defense contractor on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency.” The Journal added, “In fact, Gershkovich was on a reporting assignment for the Journal.” I have written extensively on the Gershkovich case: What I still cannot understand is why the Journal does not publicize Gershkovich’s side of the story. Was he simply arrested while doing nothing at all? If so, then why not publicize that? Or was Gershkovich caught unwittingly possessing or trying to acquire secret information that purportedly jeopardized Russian “national security”? If I had to bet, I’d bet that this is what happened. And I’d also bet that it was a sting operation that was modeled on sting operations that are carried out by the U.S. government, including ...

Prigozhin, Navalny, and Gershkovich

The top of the Wall Street Journal’s website states: “Evan Gershkovich: 11 Months Detained.” The statement refers to the Journal’s reporter who has been incarcerated by Russian authorities on accusations that he engaged in illegal spying on Russia. In March 2023, Gershkovich was living in Russia and writing articles for the Journal that were critical of Russia’s war on Ukraine. At the same time that he was criticizing the Russian regime, according to the Journal, he was enjoying social life in Russia, including hanging out at Moscow dive bars. According to Wikipedia, on March 29, 2023, the Russian Federal Security Service arrested Gershkovich for having information on a “Russian defence enterprise.” U.S. officials deny that Gershkovich is a U.S. spy, but of course their denials are worthless since they would lie if Gershkovich is in fact a spy. Moreover, it is common knowledge that the CIA maintains assets within ...

Blowback and Russia’s Arrest of Evan Gershkovich

In a press conference yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia desires to “reach an agreement” with respect to the return to the United States of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. The reporter has been incarcerated for 250 days since his arrest for espionage against Russia.  Ever since his arrest, both the Journal and the U.S. government have vehemently denied that Gershkovich is a U.S. spy.  Of course, such denials are pretty worthless, given that if Gershkovich really was a spy, it is likely that both the Journal and U.S. officials would deny it. In fact, if Gershkovich was, in fact, a spy for the CIA, it is likely that he and the CIA would keep that secret from the Journal, in which case the Journal’s denials would be in good faith while those of the CIA would be lies. Moreover, it certainly would not surprise ...

Should the Wall Street Journal Have Pulled Gershkovich Out of Russia?

Ever since Russian authorities arrested Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on charges of having violated Russia’s espionage laws, the Journal has steadfastly maintained his innocence. The Journal claims that Gershkovich is being held as a “political hostage.” That might well be true, but a question naturally arises: Are officials at the Wall Street Journal partially responsible for ...

Would Gershkovich Have a Better Chance of Acquittal at Gitmo?

In an article criticizing Russia’s arrest of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on charges of espionage, the Journal writes that “lawyers with experience in the Russian judicial process predict a journey through a justice system with the familiar features of Western courts but little of their substance.” The Journal, however, forgets something important: The United States has ...