Part 1 | Part 2
In 1989, the Cold War racket suddenly and unexpectedly came to an end. That was when the national-security establishment went into the Middle East, killing vast numbers of people and wreaking untold destruction. When the inevitable retaliation came in the form of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, the national-security establishment had new official enemies to replace Russia and “godless communism” — terrorism and, to a certain extent, Islam and Muslims. U.S. propaganda falsely claimed that the attacks were motivated by hatred for America’s “freedom and values” rather than hatred for the death and destruction that the U.S. national-security state was wreaking in the Middle East.
The Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, however, were not ready to let go of their longtime, decades-old Cold War racket, which had proven to be so lucrative. They began using their old Cold War dinosaur NATO to begin absorbing former members of the Warsaw Pact, which would enable them to place their troops, bases, tanks, planes, and nuclear missiles ever closer to Russia’s border. While they legally had that authority, they also knew what the reaction of Russia would be, as a practical matter, to such provocative acts — the same reaction that the United States would have if Russia was doing the same things in Cuba or along the Mexican side of the U.S. border.
Thus, when NATO threatened to absorb Ukraine, which is located on Russia’s border, everyone knew what the result would be — a Russian invasion of Ukraine to prevent that from happening, especially since Russia had been telling everyone for around 25 years that that is precisely what it would do if NATO threatened to absorb Ukraine.
When the invasion took place, the official narrative coming out of Washington was that the Russian invasion was “unprovoked.” As a testament to the power of U.S. government propaganda, the U.S. mainstream media immediately adopted the “unprovoked” mantra and has been repeating it ever since. In fact, the invasion, no matter how illegal it was under international law, was fully provoked by the U.S. national-security establishment’s NATO antics.
But that obviously is not what the U.S. national-security establishment wants the American people to hear. They want Americans to hear only the official narrative — that the Russians have, for no good reason, aggressed against Ukraine and are determined to keep going, reconquer Eastern Europe, and then Western Europe, then England, and finally the United States and the Western Hemisphere.
In other words, the Russians are coming, again! They are coming to get us. They never stopped. The end of the Cold War was just a ruse designed to get us to drop our guard. We need the national-security state more than ever to keep us safe. We have to keep the taxpayer-funded largesse flowing. We need to keep trading our liberty for the ostensible purpose of being kept “safe,” not only from the Russians but also from the terrorists and Muslims, not to mention the Chinese, North Korean, Cuban, Vietnamese, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan Reds.
Another perfect racket, one that keeps Americans afraid and more than willing to continue trading away their rights and liberties, ostensibly to be kept “safe.” It’s probably worth mentioning that the war the U.S. government has provoked between Russia and Ukraine has gotten us ever closer to all-out, life-destroying nuclear war between the United States and Russia. In the minds of U.S. officials, that risk is worth it in order to keep their racket going.
Foreign-policy hypocrisy
Amidst what can only be described as a case of extreme paranoia, U.S. officials claim that Russia is trying to “influence” our presidential elections. Well, why shouldn’t they, given that they obviously have a big stake in trying to stop the U.S. national-security state from continuing its anti-Russia policies?
But there is something else to consider, at least with respect to hypocrisy — the U.S. national-security state is the greatest interferer in foreign elections in world history. Examples include Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, and Chile in 1970–1973, when the U.S. government took deadly and destructive actions to oust the democratically elected leaders of those countries and replace them with unelected pro-U.S. dictators. Or consider totalitarian or authoritarian regimes, like Cuba and Iran, where the U.S. national-security state has employed the power of assassination against foreign officials.
Or consider U.S. government-owned propaganda outlets like Radio Free Europe that interfere with the internal affairs of Russia. In fact, the utter hypocrisy is that Radio Free Europe is just a U.S. government version of RT, the media outlet controlled by the Russian government. Why does the U.S. government, which purports to support our private-property system and oppose socialism, own a media outlet that spews U.S. propaganda inside Russia? Indeed, what moral standing does the U.S. government have to complain about Russian meddling in the U.S. political system when that is precisely what the U.S. national-security state does in Russia and other foreign countries with Radio Free Europe?
These are the types of questions that the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA obviously do not want asked. They want Americans to be the good, little, obedient, compliant, supportive, and submissive child-adults that America’s public (i.e., government) school system was supposed to make them. If the national-security state says, “Hate Russia,” then American child-adults are supposed to hate Russia. If the national-security states says, “Accept what we are saying as true because we would never lie to you,” then American child-adults are supposed to docilely accept that, too.
It’s worth mentioning that there was one president who refused to go along with the U.S. national-security establishment’s anti-Russia racket. That president was John F. Kennedy. He had the courage to say no and did his best to bring the anti-Russia racket to an end. He failed, but his life and death can serve as an inspiration for those of us alive today. (See FFF’s book JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne.)
Restoring freedom to America
End the anti-Russia hatred and hostility that has besieged our nation for all of our lives. End America’s foreign policy of interventionism. End foreign aid to every foreign regime. Leave people free to work for whomever they want to work, to promote whatever views and positions they wish, and get paid for it — and without having to register their names, addresses, and positions with the government. Most important, dismantle the national-security state form of governmental structure and restore our nation’s founding system of a limited-government republic. These are all necessary prerequisites for restoring a genuinely free society to our land.
This article was originally published in the January 2025 issue of Future of Freedom.