We have just gone live with the schedule for our upcoming June 6-8 conference Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties. See it here: Conference Schedule.
I know Ive said it before, but it bears repeating: This conference might well turn out to be the greatest and most important conference in the history of the libertarian movement. Consider the following recent articles by our fantastic lineup of speakers, who, through the power of truth and ideas, are leading our nation in a better and freer direction with respect to foreign policy and civil liberties:
Jonathan Turley, whose article A Tortured Defense appeared on February 27 in USA Today.
Joseph Margulies, whose article Inside the Mind of a Gitmo Detainee appeared on February 23 in the Washington Post.
Andrew J. Bacevich, whose article The Plan for What Comes After Iraq appeared on February 24 in the Boston Globe. Also, an interview with Bacevich appeared in the February 29 issue of the Santa Barbara Independent.
Bruce Fein, whose article Degraded Justice appeared on February 26 in the Washington Times.
Joanne Mariner, whose article After Guantanamo appeared on February 27 on Findlaw.com.
Stephen Kinzer, whose article Made in America appeared on February 19 in The Guardian.
Glenn Greenwald, whose article McConnell/Mukasey: Eavesdropping Outside of FISA is Illegal appeared on February 23 on Salon.com.
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., whose article Triumph of the Red-State Fascists appeared on February 26 on LewRockwell.com.
Karen Kwiatkowski, whose article Causes and Consequences of Our Foreign Policy in the Middle East appeared on February 22 on LewRockwell.com
Justin Raimondo, whose article McCain, Militarism, and the Legacy of Teddy Roosevelt appeared on February 27 on Antiwar.com.
Laurence M. Vance, whose article Accomplice to Murder appeared on February 25 on LewRockwell.com.
David R. Henderson, whose article Support Our Troops Or Judge Them? appeared on February 28 on Antiwar.com.
Alexander Cockburn, whose article The Mushrooming Clouds that Hang Over McCain appeared on February 23 on Counterpunch.org.
Robert Higgs, whose article The Difference Between an Illegal Immigrant and Me appeared on February 22 on Independent.org.
Anthony Gregory, whose article Our Enemy, the Presidency appeared on February 18 on lewrockwell.com.
Sheldon Richman, whose article ‘Patriotic Grace’ in Support of War appeared on February 15 on FFF.org.
James Bovard, whose article Do Elections Guarantee Freedom? appeared on February 20 on FFF.org.
Jacob Hornberger, whose article Randy Barnetts Wrong-Headed Defense of the Iraq War appeared on February 8 on FFF.org.
The conference will be held on June 6-8 (Friday morning through Sunday night) at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia, one of the nicest areas of northern Virginia. (Its best to fly into Dulles Airport but Reagan and BWI will work as well.) The conference price is $495, which includes all Hyatt Regency meals breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the 3 days of the conference plus admission to all 19 speeches.
To register for the conference, go to our conference website or call us at 703-934-6101. Remember to make your hotel reservations at the Hyatt Regency Reston after you register for the conference; be sure to mention the FFF conference to secure the special discounted rate of $149 per night, which is incredibly cheap for a Hyatt in the D.C. area in June.