Our nation is in deep trouble morally, economically, and politically. Practically everything in which the federal government has embroiled itself for the last several decades is in crisis education, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, inflation and the dollar, welfare, government spending, the drug war, and, of course, foreign policy.
Is there any good news in all this? You bet there is, and the best news of all is that an increasing number of Americans are beginning to think, ask questions, and challenge the direction in which our nation is heading. Theyre starting to reflect on where we began as nation, where weve come, and where we need to go.
That means that the crises that besiege our nation also provide us with one of the best opportunities we have ever had to change the direction our nation is taking toward liberty, free markets, republic, peace, prosperity, and harmonies with the people of the world.
Three months ago, The Future of Freedom Foundation embarked on an experimental program designed to reach out to a larger segment of the American people with our ideas on freedom and our vision for the future direction of our nation. We entered into a three-month contract with a public-relations firm with the aim of scheduling me and other FFF associates to appear on radio shows all across America to explain the nature of our mission here at FFF and how we are trying to move our country in a better and freer direction. That experiment has succeeded far beyond our expectations, and we need your help to continue it.
Here are the results: Since the end of February, I have appeared on some 40 radio stations in 23 states, talking about such things as the underlying principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the vision of our Founding Fathers and Framers, the philosophy behind such ideas as economic liberty and free markets, and, of course, the vital importance of civil liberties, including due process of law and habeas corpus.
In the 15 years of FFFs existence, I have never seen radio hosts and their listeners so receptive to listening to moral, political, and economic critiques of such destructive socialist and interventionist federal programs as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the drug war, and protectionism. And I have never seen them so attentive to critiques of U.S. foreign policy and the adverse consequences that it has brought to our nation.
In fact, several radio hosts are now inviting me back in order to delve into these matters and to explore these ideas on freedom more fully with their listeners! Equally important, the radio shows give me a great opportunity to promote FFFs website (www.fff.org) and our FFF Email Update as one of the best free-market websites and daily editorial pages on the Internet.
Its easy to become despondent over the direction in which our nation has been headed for the past several years. On the political surface, things just seem to be going from bad to worse. But no direction is inevitable, especially a bad one. Major shifts in direction can occur when people least expect them but, again, that depends on the spread of ideas, especially good ones!
Given that the American people are now figuring out that something is dreadfully wrong with our nation and are questioning, challenging, and reflecting as never before, this is the time for us to reach out to our fellow Americans. Given the power of ideas, now is the time to capitalize on this unusual confluence of events in our nations history.
Thats why weve embarked on our radio-outreach program. Enabling us to reach new audiences of people all across America small towns and large, we have a great opportunity to attract more people toward our philosophy of freedom and free markets and thus accelerate the chances of changing the course of our nation.
Given the success were experiencing with our radio-outreach program, we would very much like to continue this campaign. But we need your financial help to do so. Will you help us with this endeavor with a tax-deductible donation to The Future of Freedom Foundation?
Thank you very much for your consideration and especially for your commitment to liberty.
Jacob G. Hornberger
The Future of Freedom Foundation
P.S. We have implemented a new policy on donations here at FFF: Anyone who makes a (tax-deductible) donation of $100 or more to FFF receives a personal thank-you telephone call from me. I hope you dont mind, but, heck, maybe together we can solve all the worlds problems in a 15-minute telephone conversation!