“Before year’s end, Congress will likely provide more than $1 billion dollars to Colombia to ensure the continuation of the U.S. drug war in the Latin American theatre. One Republican aide states, “Colombia is in crisis, and every day that aid is delayed costs lives down there and up here.” Certainly a war needs financial backing to succeed, but is this war justified, let alone winnable? First, drugs are bought, sold, and used voluntarily but why should that be any business of government? Second, if drug abuse is a problem, is it one for government to solve? And third, the more money and violence employed to fight drugs only escalates the costs of selling and using drugs. Do we really want more violence and crime in our cities as people steal money for drugs and kill each other for payments due? Both Colombia and the United States are indeed in a crisis — a drug-war crisis. Let’s restore people’s rights, safety, and well-being. Let’s not only stop the funding to Colombia. Let’s end the whole war on drugs.
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Drug War Costs Lives”