“After the Clinton-Reno-INS raid on the home of the Miami relatives of Elian Gonzalez, Fidel Castro proudly boasted that his agents would not have been armed under similar circumstances. The reason? Since no one is permitted to own guns in Cuba, police forces need not fear violent resistance to their orders from the Cuban citizenry. But the Cuban people, by virtue of having been disarmed by their own government, also have no means to resist with force the brutality and tyranny of their communist rulers. In the land where gun ownership is illegal, the choices are, “Obey.” Of course, some Americans claim that gun control would be “safe” here in the United States because the U.S. government would never engage in brutal and tyrannical conduct against its own citizens. Oh yeah? You might have a hard time convincing Cuban-Americans of that … or the Waco victims … or Randy Weaver … or unsuspecting black men who had syphilis experiments conducted on them … or innocent Japanese Americans who were incarcerated without trial … or the multitudes of innocent people who have had money or property confiscated from them without notice or trial under asset-forfeiture laws. The Second Amendment continues to be the American people’s best insurance policy against tyranny.”
CAPSULE COMMENTARY: “Gun Control Exposes Citizenry to the State”