Former Secret Service agent Clint Hill recently passed away. He was the Secret Service agent who jumped on the back of the JFK limousine after Kennedy had been shot in Dallas in November 1963. He pushed Kennedy’s wife Jacqueline, who had crawled out on the back of the limo, into the back seat.
As the limo then proceeded to Parkland Hospital, Hill covered JFK’s body with his own body in an attempt to protect him from any more shots. In the process, Hill was in a position to view the back of the president’s head all the way to Parkland.
Why is that significant? Although he apparently didn’t realize it for the rest of his life, Hill unwittingly helped to establish that the assassination of President Kennedy was a regime-change operation carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment, specifically the military and the CIA, on grounds of protecting “national security” from a president whose policies, they were convinced, were placing the United States in a position of being taken over by the communists.
Here is what Hill told the Warren Commission about the wound in the back of President Kennedy’s head: “The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.”
Hill’s testimony about the massive wound in the back of JFK’s head matched what the treating physicians at Parkland stated. For example, Dr. Robert McClelland stated, “As I took the position at the head of the table that I have already described to help out with the tracheotomy, I was in such a position that I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been shattered, apparently, by the force of the shot so that … you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out.”
As I detail in my books The Kennedy Autopsy and An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, there were many other witnesses at Parkland who stated the same thing. They included a reporter who was at Parkland when the limo arrived as well as two nurses who assisted with the president’s treatment.
How do all these statements confirm that the U.S. national-security establishment orchestrated and carried out the assassination?
The official autopsy photographs depict the back of Kennedy’s head to be intact — i.e., no big blow-out wound in the back of the head. Therefore, either all those witnesses were in error or were deliberately lying or the official autopsy photo falsely depicted the back of JFK’s head.
There is at least one undisputed fact in the Kennedy autopsy: It was carried out by the military. Not by the Mafia. Not by Cuba. Not by Russia. Not by the communists. It was carried out only by the military.
If the official autopsy photograph is false, that false photograph points in the direction of a fraudulent autopsy. Why is that important? Because there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. None! A fraudulent autopsy necessarily means a cover-up in the assassination itself. And the only entity that the military would be covering up for on the very evening of the assassination would be itself.
It’s also worth mentioning something important about the Bethesda National Medical Center, where the military conducted its autopsy. Many witnesses at Bethesda corroborated the statements made by the Dallas witnesses about the massive hole in the back of the president’s head.
Moreover, in the 1990s the Assassination Records Review Board took the oral testimony of Saundra Spencer, a Navy petty officer who had worked in the Navy’s photographic center in Washington and who had worked closely with President Kennedy. Jeremy Gunn, the general counsel for the ARRB, stated that of all the witnesses who appeared before the ARRB, she was the most credible of them all.
Spencer testified that she had been asked, on a top-secret, classified basis, to develop the autopsy photographs for the Kennedy autopsy. When the ARRB showed Spencer the official autopsy photography that depicted the back on Kennedy’s head to be intact, she responded no — that that photograph showing the back of Kennedy’s head to be intact was not the photograph that she developed. The photograph she developed showed a “hole, inch, two inches in diameter at the back of the skull.” Keep in mind that what Spencer saw in that autopsy photo was the condition of JFK’s head after the embalmers had done everything they could to mask over the massive exit-sized wound in the back of JFK’s head.
But maybe the fraud regarding the massive, exit-sized wound in the back of the president’s head is not sufficient to convince someone of autopsy fraud beyond a reasonable doubt. Fair enough. But let’s now add on such things as: (1) the threat of deadly force on the part of the Secret Service to prevent an autopsy from being carried out at Parkland Hospital, as required by state law; (2) the fact that JFK’s body was sneaked into the Bethesda morgue more than an an hour and a half before the official entry time into the morgue; (3) fraudulent X-rays that were taken of JFK’s head at Bethesda; (4) the fact that two brain examinations were conducted, one of which could not possibly have involved JFK’s brain; (5) the fact that the official autopsy photographer, John Stringer, denied that the official autopsy photographs of JFK’s brain were the photographs he took of the brain; (6) the fact that White House photographer Robert Knudsen was convinced that he had been the official autopsy photographer, when, in fact, he hadn’t even been at the autopsy; and much more.
Is all that enough to convince a person beyond a reasonable doubt that the JFK autopsy was fraudulent? If it isn’t, I believe that there is nothing that could ever convince such a person that the national-security establishment would ever take out a president based on grounds of “national security,” no matter how much circumstantial evidence points in that direction.
For more, read:
JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass
The Kennedy Autopsy by Jacob Hornberger
The Kennedy Autopsy 2 by Jacob Hornberger
An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story by Jacob Hornberger
Inside the Assassination Records Review Board by Douglas P. Horne
JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas P. Horne
The Final Analysis by David Mantik and Jerome Corsi
“To Understand the Kennedy Assassination, Read and Watch Doug Horne” by Jacob Hornberger.
Also, see:
The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination, a conference featuring various speakers.
Altered History: Exposing Deceit and Deception in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence, a series featuring Douglas Horne.