One of the funny aspects of the ongoing, never-ending immigration debate has been watching right-wingers, led by their leader Donald Trump, exclaim against President Biden for implementing a policy of “open borders.” Undoubtedly Trump and his right-wing acolytes are going to say the same thing about Kamala Harris.
Why is that funny? Because it demonstrates that Trump and right-wingers live their lives in la-la land.
According to an article last month in Politico, the Biden-Harris administration “has kicked out millions more immigrants than Trump ever managed to.” The article went on to say: “Under Biden, migrants have been removed from the U.S. at a blistering pace, pushing the country’s deportation infrastructure to its limit. And it’s not clear how Trump could top him if he takes back the White House next year.”
Of course, that phenomenon reminds us of former President Obama, a Democrat, who was given the moniker “Deporter-in-Chief” owing to his record number of deportations.
But there is another factor to consider: The immigration police state that exists along the U.S.-Mexico border. The purpose of that police state is to enforce the system of immigration controls that both Republicans and Democrats have foisted upon our land. That immigration police state has continued in existence during the entire term of the Biden-Harris regime. They haven’t repealed or dismantled even one tiny bit of it or even tried to do so. In fact, Biden has even ended up embracing Trump’s Berlin Wall; and while she is staying scrupulously silent about immigration (and other issues) in her presidential campaign, undoubtedly Harris is embracing Trump’s Wall as well. Biden has even sent additional troops to the border, just like Trump did.
Why is an immigration police state important? Because if someone supports an immigration police state that enforces America’s immigration-control system, that necessarily means that he or she cannot be supporting open borders. That’s because open borders — genuine open borders — entails the absence of an immigration police state — that is, the absence of all immigration enforcement measures. Why is that? Because under a system of genuine open borders, there is no system of immigration controls to enforce. Under open borders, people are simply free to cross the border, back and forth, like normal human beings.
Think about domestic state borders here in the United States. That’s what is called a system of open borders. Notice that there are no border stations along state borders. There are no state border patrol agents patrolling state borders. There are no highway checkpoints along the borders with other states. There are no Berlin Walls on state borders. It is not a felony to hire someone from another state, or transport a person from another state, or house or care for a person from another state. That’s a system of open borders — no border controls whatsoever — just the free movements of people across state borders, back and forth.
Notice something important: While there is a massive ongoing, never-ending, perpetual crisis on Texas’s southern border, there is no crisis whatsoever on Texas’s northern border. That’s because its southern borders has a system of border controls while its northern border does not.
Another funny aspect to the presidential race is how right-wingers, led by Trump, claim to favor “free enterprise,” while left-wingers, led by Harris, claim to love the “poor, needy, and disadvantaged.”
Why is that funny?
America’s system of immigration controls is based on the socialist principle of central planning, which is the opposite of a “free-enterprise” system. Thus, while right-wingers are extolling the virtues of “free enterprise,” they support and embrace a socialist immigration-control system, one that comes with an immigration police state that destroys freedom.
Moreover, illegal immigrants are among the poorest people in the world, many of whom are trying desperately to save their lives from starvation from U.S. sanctions against Latin American regimes or from U.S. drug-war-induced violence in Latin America. Thus, while left-wingers claim to love the “poor, needy, and disadvantaged,” especially when they are advocating welfare-state programs, they support and embrace the brutal treatment, including deportations, of some of the poorest people in the world.
What also amazes me is how right-wingers and left-wingers can remain wedded to a federal program that, by their own admission, has never worked and continues not to work. I suppose they think that someone is going to come along — maybe Trump or Harris — and finally — finally! — make immigration socialism and an immigration police state work. It ain’t ever gonna happen! Four years from now, Americans will be treated to the same immigration silliness in the presidential race that we are experiencing today and that we have experienced all of our lives.
I have said it for 34 years here at The Future of Freedom Foundation but it is worth repeating: There is but one solution to the death, suffering, and destruction of liberty that comes with a socialist system of immigration controls. That one solution is open borders — genuine open borders — that is, the dismantling of the Border Patrol, ICE, and all restrictions on the free movements of goods, services, and people across borders. There is no other solution to America’s ongoing, never-ending, perpetual deadly and destructive immigration morass.