Explore Freedom » Hornberger's Blog

Hornberger's Blog

The Achilles Heel of the JFK Assassination

The autopsy that the U.S. national-security establishment conducted on President Kennedy’s body has always been the Achilles heel of the assassination. That’s because the autopsy was fraudulent. But because the military “classified” the autopsy, forcing enlisted personnel to sign secrecy oaths and threatening them with court martial or criminal prosecution if they ever revealed what they saw or ...

Why Shouldn’t a University Be Free to Adopt Affirmative Action?

Not surprisingly, right-wingers are celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision to declare affirmative-action policies at American universities to be unconstitutional. In the process, conservatives fail to recognize that they are, at the same time, celebrating the further destruction of American liberty and private-property rights. After all, why shouldn’t a private university, like Harvard, be free to establish any policy ...