I received an email today from the right-wing Claremont Institute announcing an “exclusive virtual briefing” this evening featuring a sheriff from Fort Worth, Texas, named Bill Waybourne, who is going to “delve into the pressing issues and potential solutions surrounding the Texas border crisis and broader immigration challenges along the southern border.”
What a big waste of time. Do the Claremont Institute and Waybourne really think that they are going to come up with a solution to America’s decades-old, never-ending, ongoing immigration crisis? What could possibly cause them to believe that they are going to be the ones who finally — finally! — come up with a solution to this perpetual crisis?
When will conservatives finally realize the truth? There is but one solution to socialism — and that solution does not lie in the reform of socialism. The solution lies in the elimination of socialism. So long as you leave socialism intact, you’re going to continue having a crisis. The only way to eliminate the crisis is to eliminate the socialism.
And the fact is that America’s system of immigration controls is a socialist system. That’s because it is based on the core socialist principle of central planning. Rather than apply the principles of the free market to the free movements of people, conservatives (and progressives too) rely on the government to plan, in a top-down, command-and-control manner, the movements of millions of people.
It simply cannot be done, and certainly not without an enormous never-ending crisis. Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel Prize-winning libertarian economist called the mindset of central planners the “fatal conceit,” for their believing that they are smart enough to centrally plan a complex economic activity. The Austrian libertarian economist described the results of central planning as “planned chaos.” Can anyone come up with a better term for the decades-long immigration crisis along the border?
Nonetheless, right-wingers like the Claremont Institute and Sheriff Bill Waybourne do not give up hope. They are convinced that they are the ones who will finally — finally! — come up with a way to make immigration socialism succeed.
Of course they will fail, just as every advocate of immigration socialism has failed during the past 70 years or so. No one can make immigration socialism work. That’s because socialism is an inherently defective system. That is, it’s not a “broken” system, as advocates of immigration socialism often claim. It’s an inherently defective system, which means that it simply cannot be made to work.
The free market is the only thing that works. That necessarily means the free movements of goods, services, and people across borders. It necessarily means the abolition of the Border Patrol, the Immigration Service (e.g., ICE), the immigration police state along the border, and all restrictions on the free movements of goods, services, and people across borders.
The adoption of the free market for immigration (as well as trade) would bring an immediate end to the decades-old, ongoing, never-ending, perpetual immigration crisis. It would also bring an end to the immigration police state along the border, which has contributed mightily to the destruction of liberty and privacy in America. It would also bring an immediate end to the large death toll that comes with America’s system of immigration socialism.
Don’t bother attending the Claremont’s program this evening. It will be a total waste of your time.