NOTE: This Thursday at 7 p.m Eastern, we feature the third speaker in our new online series “How Austrian Economics Impacted My Life.” Our speaker will be Larry White, who teaches economics at George Mason University, whose economics department is one of the best free-market, Austrian-oriented departments in the country. Larry is another star in Austrian economics. He serves as Distinguished Senior Fellow of the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics of the Mercatus Center at GMU. I hope you’ll join us for another fun intellectual evening. To participate live, go to our website (, scroll down to Upcoming Events, click on this conference, then click to go to the registration page, then register, and we will send you Zoom link.
At Freedom Fest last July, I had the honor of being interviewed by C-SPAN’s Book TV about my most recent book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story. It’s about a 20-minute-long interview. The interview is another good sign that interest in the JFK assassination is increasing among the mainstream media, especially as we approach the 60th anniversary of the assassination. You can watch the interview here.
If you have not yet purchased and read my book, I highly recommend your doing so. What the CIA did with the Zapruder film on the very weekend of the assassination was kept secret for some 50 years. Don’t tell me that the CIA can’t keep secrets! In fact, if it had not been for a fortuitous disclosure by former CIA analyst Dino Brugionio, there is virtually no doubt that the CIA would have succeeded in covering its role with respect to the Zapruder film secret forever.
The full details are contained in my book, but the following is the essence of what happened.
The official narrative has always been that the original 8mm Zapruder film, which captured the assassination of President Kennedy, was sent to LIFE magazine on Saturday, November 22.
Instead, what actually happened was that it was diverted to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) in Washington on that Saturday evening.
How do we know that? Because Brugioni disclosed it during the late 2000s to assassination researchers Douglas Horne and Peter Janney. He told them that the film was brought to NPIC on that Saturday night, where he and his team made blow-ups of selected frames from the film to put on “briefing boards.”
He said that two men who represented themselves to be Secret Service agents then departed with the film. (As I explain in my book, it is a virtual certainty that the two men were actually CIA agents posing as Secret Service agents.)
On Sunday night, a 16mm copy of the Zapruder film was brought to NPIC by a man named “Bill Smith” who also represented himself to be a Secret Service agent (but who undoubtedly also was a CIA agent posing as a Secret Service agent). He told a CIA official at NPIC, Homer McMahon, that he had just brought the film from “Hawkeyeworks.”
How do we know this? Because McMahon told the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s that he and his NPIC team were the ones who received that 16mm copy from “Bill Smith” on that Sunday night. Their assignment was to make blow-ups from selected frames of the film and post them on “briefing boards” — in other words, the same thing that Brugioni and his team did with the 8mm original film on the previous Saturday night.
What was Hawkeyeworks? It was a top-secret CIA film facility secretly located in Kodak’s research and development section of Kodak’s headquarters in Rochester, New York, where the CIA was able to do everything and anything with film that could be done in Hollywood. It was at Hawkeyeworks that the CIA made an altered, fraudulent copy of the film using a state-of-the-art “optical printer,” which “Bill Smith” then took back to NPIC on Sunday night, where, after it was converted to an 8mm film, it became the new “original” Zapruder film.
How do we know that the Sunday night film was a fraudulent, altered copy?
One reason is that the Saturday night film was an 8mm film. The Sunday night film was a 16mm film. It is impossible to convert an 8mm into a 16mm film. Thus, the 16mm film had to be a copy of the original 8mm film.
Another reason is that when Horne and Janney showed Brugioni the extant film (that is, the film that purports to be the original), he told them that the film he saw on that Saturday might was different from the extant film they were showing him. It’s worth pointing out that Brugioni was perhaps the foremost photographic analyst in the world. (I detail his credentials in my book but you can read what Wikipedia states about him here.)
Another reason is that there is no reason to have taken the film to Hawkeyworks except for the purpose of producing a fraudulent, altered copy of it. (Note: I should point out that there is no evidence Kodak participated in the CIA’s production of the fraudulent, altered copy of the film.)
Another reason is that there was no good reason for the Saturday and Sunday night events to be kept secretly compartmentalized — that is, the Saturday night team never knew about the Sunday night team, and vice versa.
Another reason is that, as I detail in my book, Hollywood film experts who examined the extant film stated unequivocally their opinion that the extant film is an altered copy.
Another reason is that, as I detail more fully in my book, an extremely large number of witnesses stated they saw things prior to and during the assassination that that are not in the extant film.
It should also be pointed out that the fact that the CIA kept all of these shenanigans secret from everyone, including the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the ARRB, and the American people — and continues to do so — is itself incriminating.
Again, all of this is more fully detailed in my book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story.
Why is all this significant? Because it is this evidence that convicts the CIA of participating in the assassination of President Kennedy. There is no innocent explanation for the production of a fraudulent, altered copy of a film of the assassination, especially when the CIA kept what it did with the Zapruder film for some 50 years — and continues keeping the full operational details regarding the film secret. The CIA’s top-secret production of a fraudulent, altered copy of the Zapruder film automatically proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the CIA was, in fact, embroiled in the assassination of President Kennedy.
FFF’s appearance at FreedomFest this year was a great success. The three events I participated in were:
2. FreedomFest Mock Trial on Open Borders
3. My standing room talk on the JFK assassination, entitled “How the JFK Autopsy Led to the Truth.”