Not surprisingly, among the issues that the mainstream media has never raised during the presidential race is that of the CIA’s secret documents and records relating to the assassination of President Kennedy that are set to finally be released in October 2017.
Imagine that: a 54-year delay in releasing records that relate to what was supposedly just a lone-nut murder of the president.
The CIA says that “national security” has been at stake. Really? I wonder what they think would happen to “national security” if those 50-year-old secret records were finally released. If they think that the United States might fall into the ocean or that the federal government might be taken over by the communists, then they’re way off base. The chances of those two things happening if people were finally able to see what the CIA has been hiding all these decades are non-existent.
If they mean that the records might provide additional circumstantial evidence of the U.S. national-security state’s complicity in the assassination, then keeping the records secret would make sense, at least to them. Secrecy and long delay in disclosure enables criminal activity to go undetected.
Many people are unaware of the sea change in evidence that took place in the 1990s, after Congress enacted the JFK Records Act and called into existence the Assassination Records Review Board. They have no idea of the tremendous volume of circumstantial evidence pointing in the direction of the national-security establishment that came out as a result of the ARRB’s efforts.
Suddenly, the decades-long secrecy in the Kennedy assassination on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment began to make sense. In order for a cover-up to be effective, it would be necessary to prevent people from seeing all the circumstantial evidence pointing in the direction of the cover-up.
Unfortunately, the ARRB went out of existence before the CIA was forced to disgorge all of its records. Someone slipped a provision into the law that enabled the CIA and other federal agencies to wait until October 2017 to disclose their records. The CIA took advantage of that provision and withheld thousands of pages of secret records, which are now under the control of the National Archives.
The National Archives has announced that it intends to release the records on schedule. However, there is another caveat, a big one. Someone also slipped into the JFK Records Act another provision that states that the CIA can secure another extension of time for secrecy by making another claim of “national security.” If the president buys it or if the president simply wants to appease the CIA by keeping its assassination records secret, the president can grant another extension of time for secrecy.
It would have been nice if one of those debate commentators had asked Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump whether they would grant such an extension. In any event, Clinton has already intimated that if “national security” is at stake, she’s going to grant the CIA’s request for another extension of time for secrecy. It’s not clear where Trump would stand on the issue. My hunch is that he would say to the Pentagon and the CIA: “Enough with this nonsense. Release all the records.”
If you’d like to understand the nature of the circumstantial evidence that points in the direction of the national-security establishment in the assassination of President Kennedy, much of which was revealed in the 1990s as a result of the work done by the ARRB, I recommend reading our JFK-assassination related ebooks:
The Kennedy Autopsy by Jacob Hornberger
JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne
Regime Change: The JFK Assassination by Jacob Hornberger
The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State by Jacob Hornberger
CIA & JFK: The Secret Assassination Files by Jefferson Morley (which provides an excellent discussion of the still-secret CIA files on the assassination)
Let me give you just one of the many unexplained anomalies in the secret autopsy that U.S. military officials in Maryland conducted on President Kennedy’s body, after a team of Secret Service agents had brandished guns to forcibly prevent an autopsy from being conducted in Texas, which the law required.
It is an undisputed fact that a large portion of Kennedy’s head was blown away by the gunshot that hit him in the head. For example, in a 1997 deposition before the ARRB, FBI agent Francis O’Neill, who was at the autopsy, testified that “more than half of the brain was missing.”
Here is the problem: The photograph of the brain that is in the official records depicts a full-sized brain. The brain in the photograph is damaged but nonetheless it is a full-sized brain.
It gets better.
The autopsy report states that the weight of Kennedy’s brain was 1500 grams.
That poses another big problem.
Because the size of an average person’s brain is 1350 grams.
Do you see the problem? Sure, one can say that Kennedy was smarter than the average person but that still doesn’t address the big problem. The problem is that everyone agrees that a large portion of Kennedy’s brain was blown away by the gun shot that hit him in the head. Given such, it is an absolute impossibility that his brain could have weighed more than an average person’s brain.
It gets even better than that. The official Navy photographer for the autopsy, John Stringer, told the ARRB denied that the brain photographs in the original record were not the photographs of the brain that he took as part of the autopsy. The photographs he took showed a brain that had been sectioned, or cut up, which is standard procedure in an autopsy involving a gunshot to the head. See this Washington Post story: “Archive Photos Not of JFK’s Brain, Concludes Aide to Review Board.”
These are the types of thing that the national-security state officials want people to ignore. Time to move on, they say. The assassination happened a long time ago.
But for people for whom truth matters, an explanation is needed, no matter the lapse of time since the assassination.
And in fact, there is only one rational explanation for what happened here: U.S. officials discarded the real brain and substituted another brain, which wouldn’t have been difficult to secure given that Bethesda Naval Medical Center, where the autopsy was conducted, is a teaching facility.
Why would they have done that? The reasons are provided in my ebooks The Kennedy Autopsy and Regime Change: The JFK Assassination.
Will the CIA request another extension of time for secrecy? I don’t think there is any doubt about it. stands to reason that they would have kept the most incriminating evidence secret for as long as they could, and they know what people discovered from the 1990’s release of records.
Will a new president grant a CIA request for continued secrecy and cover up? Not if the American people rise up and say no, just as they did in the 1990’s after the release of Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. It was public outcry over continued secrecy in the JFK assassination that forced Congress to enact the JFK Records Act and call into existence the ARRB.