Tomorrow—Wednesday–I am appearing on Glenn Beck’s new Internet network, The Blaze, specifically on his new show the Glenn Beck Program. The show airs from 5-6 Eastern Time. If you’d like to tune in, you can get a free 14-day trial subscription to the network. Other guests on the show will be longtime conservative activist Jack Hunter and libertarian student Zak Slayback. Should be fun!
Today we are launching our brand new video show The Libertarian Angle, which will be posted on YouTube, featuring FFF’s vice president Sheldon Richman and me. This show is replacing my weekly Internet Show. It will provide a libertarian angle to the current controversies of the day and serve as a libertarian antidote to the statist commentaries found in the mainstream media.
Yesterday, we posted the video of the panel on foreign policy, civil liberties, and the war on terrorism that we recently presented at the Students for Liberty conference in Washington, D.C. The panel consisted of Bruce Fein and Sheldon Richman, and I served as moderator.
Later this week, we’ll be posting the back-to-back speeches that Bruce Fein and I delivered at the SFL conference on behalf of the Young Americans for Liberty.
Finally, last weekend I appeared on a great radio show on the Republic Broadcasting network. The host was Guillermo Jimenez, a libertarian from—get this—my hometown of Laredo, Texas. We had an absolutely great time talking about both Laredo and libertarianism, including a discussion of how the feds have turned Laredo into a virtual police state, with their border controls and wars on immigrants, terrorism, and drugs. I think you’ll enjoy the discussion. We’ll be linking to it later this week.