We just posted the video of a great lecture that George Mason University economics professor Don Boudreaux delivered last week at our Economic Liberty Lecture Series, which we co-sponsor with the GMU Econ Society, a real fire-in-the-belly student group devoted to libertarianism and Austrian Economics.
The video of Dons talk is posted here.
The title of Dons lecture was Liberty, Legislation, and Law and was inspired by Friedrich Hayeks great 3-volume series Law, Legislation and Liberty.
The central thesis of Dons talk was to show the difference between law and legislation. Law refers to the natural order of things, or natural law. Legislation refers to rules and regulations enacted by government. Don showed that when government goes beyond codifying the natural law by enacting positive law, all sorts of distortions and perversions occur, not to mention infringements on liberty.
Im sure youll enjoy this talk as well as the discussion period, which turned out to be quite interesting and lively.