“How tethered are you?” That’s what Sheldon Richman starts out asking in this indispensable book laying bare “the theory and practice of the welfare state.”
Chances are Richman’s answer will widen the eyes even of those who think they’re familiar with the welfare state’s milestones, such as the New Deal. In Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State, the author digs deeper, unearthing not just milestones but also the very foundation stones of the welfare state. And he shows how deeply welfare-state thinking has penetrated American society.
What distinguishes Richman’s account of the welfare state is his own consistent adherence to a philosophy of reason and individual rights. He doesn’t compromise — and he sees clearly how others who would defend freedom have compromised, and fatally. The author doesn’t confine himself to attacking welfarism; he also demonstrates the virtue and power of individualism, property, and competition. Richman shows that economic competition is nothing more or less than peaceful cooperation in a climate of freedom.
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Product Details
- Author: Sheldon Richman
- Publisher: Future of Freedom Foundation
- Release Date: 2001
- Page Count: 150 pages