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Hornberger’s Blog, December 2003

Wednesday, December 31, 2003 Our federal daddy is once again taking care of his adult-children, this time by banning the diet and bodybuilding supplement ephedra, which daddy says is dangerous. No, adult-children cannot be expected to make this decision themselves because daddy says that they are incompetent to do so, despite the fact that most of them are graduates of public (i.e., government) schools. Interestingly, the decision was made by unelected dictocrats rather than the elected members of Congress, reinforcing the popular view regarding the nature of freedom—that people are free when regulatory bureaucrats are free to issue edicts designed to take care of their people. Interestingly, daddy’s ban doesn’t go into effect for a couple of months, enabling his adult-children to continue purchasing and stockpiling the drug and ingesting it long after daddy’s ban has gone into effect. Oh well, no parent is perfect, right? Tuesday, December 30, 2003 As part if it’s war on terror, the FBI has alerted 18,000 ...

Hornberger’s Blog, October, 2003

Friday, October 31, 2003 Dear Friends of FFF, Last week I traveled to St. Louis, Missouri, to deliver a speech entitled “The Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Foreign Policy” to about 60 students at Washington University. What a great time that was! The talk was sponsored by the Libertarian Club at WU, one of most impressive college libertarian groups I’ve ever seen. I spoke for about 40 minutes about U.S. foreign policy, specifically about the U.S. government’s policy of supporting cruel and brutal dictators, the horrific things that U.S. officials did to the Iraqi people for the past 12 years, including the intentional destruction of Iraq’s sewage and water treatment plants followed by the 12-year embargo that contributed widespread death and impoverishment, the stationing of American troops on Islamic holy lands, and the unconditional financial and military support for whatever the Israeli government does, right or wrong. In other words, that the U.S. government could not have been surprised that terrorists would ultimately ...

Hornberger’s Blog: October, 2003

Friday, October 31, 2003 Dear Friends of FFF, Last week I traveled to St. Louis, Missouri, to deliver a speech entitled “The Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Foreign Policy” to about 60 students at Washington University. What a great time that was! The talk was sponsored by the Libertarian Club at WU, one of most impressive college libertarian groups I’ve ever seen. I spoke for about 40 minutes about U.S. foreign policy, specifically about the U.S. government’s policy of supporting cruel and brutal dictators, the horrific things that U.S. officials did to the Iraqi people for the past 12 years, including the intentional destruction of Iraq’s sewage and water treatment plants followed by the 12-year embargo that contributed widespread death and impoverishment, the stationing of American troops on Islamic holy lands, and the unconditional financial and military support for whatever the Israeli government does, ...

Hornberger’s Blog, August 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 Maybe it’s too much to hope for rational economic thinking among Louisiana and Mississippi government officials, but residents in those hurricane-stricken areas ought to hope that their politicians don’t follow the lead of Hawaii politicians and bureaucrats, who recently imposed price controls on gasoline, which will inevitably produce shortages, long lines, angry tempers, and ...