Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Players and Pawns: The Persian Gulf War

For the greater part of this century, the United States government has plundered, looted, and terrorized the American people through the Internal Revenue Service. It has surreptitiously stolen people's income and savings through the Federal Reserve System. It has brutally enforced — through fines and imprisonment — rules and regulations governing people's peaceful economic activities. In a very real sense, ours is a government which has been — and is — waging a terribly immoral and destructive war against its own people. Yet, Americans continue to delude themselves. Harkening back to their high-school civics classes, they continue to believe that America is the land of the free — that the welfare-state, planned-economy way of life was formed in 1787 — and that their government is founded on moral and benevolent principles. Like the cancer patient who undergoes a denial stage upon being told of his disease, Americans refuse to face ...


The Future of Freedom Foundation, in conjunction with the students in the George Mason University Economics Society, is pleased to present our Economic Liberty Lecture Series. Every month, FFF provides a lecture on the principles of economic liberty as well as free pizza and a movie to the students of George Mason University and the general public. For a schedule of future events, please see our upcoming events. Scroll down or click on a lecture title below to watch a specific lecture. Sheldon Richman - "Capitalism versus the Free Market" - Monday, March 1, 2010 Steven Horwitz - "Do We Really Need a Central Bank?" - Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Lawrence W. Reed - "Lessons from the Great Depression" - Monday, November 2, 2009 Robert Higgs - "The Great Depression and ...


The Future of Freedom Foundation, in conjunction with the students in the George Mason University Economics Society, is pleased to present our Economic Liberty Lecture Series. Every month, FFF provides a lecture on the principles of economic liberty as well as free pizza and a movie to the students of George Mason University and the general public. For a schedule of future events, please see our upcoming events. Scroll down or click on a lecture title below to watch a specific lecture. Sheldon Richman - "Capitalism versus the Free Market" - Monday, March 1, 2010 Steven Horwitz - "Do We Really Need a Central Bank?" - Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Lawrence W. Reed - "Lessons from the Great Depression" - Monday, November 2, 2009 Robert Higgs - "The Great Depression and ...