Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The American Empire Strikes Back

Has President's Clinton's renowned luck run out? It may well have. The president, who as a student protested the Vietnam quagmire, now appears to have found a quagmire of his own. His decision to lead NATO into combat against Serbia did two things that formerly looked nearly impossible: it lowered his job-approval rating with the American people and it united disparate Serb elements around the country's leader, Slobodan Milosevic. That was no easy task. One opponent said that had Milosevic not shut down his newspaper, he'd publish an apology supporting the defiance of NATO. Clinton's problem is that if he doesn't send Americans into a meat grinder, he looks like a fool. He's shedding blood for the sake of his and NATO's credibility. The self-assured Rhodes scholar must have thought a few bombs would accomplish his objective (whatever that is). But it's not to be. Wars are not ...

President’s Perilous Foreign Affairs

When President Clinton ordered air strikes against alleged terrorist facilities in Sudan and Afghanistan last August, nearly everyone wondered if he had done it to take our attention off his sex scandal. But perhaps he's using the scandal to distract us from his foreign adventurism. Many criticisms can be made about the president's White House dalliances. But they don't have the potential to take innocent lives. Unfortunately, that cannot be said about President Clinton's foreign policy. It is fraught with danger. If the president is trying to divert attention, it certainly is working. The day after his grand jury testimony was shown on television, that story dominated the front page of the nation's newspapers. Far less attention was given to Clinton's speech at the United Nations, where he urged a worldwide war on terrorism. The killing and injuring of innocent people on behalf of political causes is, of course, monstrous, even when the United States and its allies engage in it. ...

The America First Committee

One of the most remarkable episodes in American history was the spontaneous and widespread opposition to Franklin Roosevelt's obvious attempts to embroil the United States in the European war that broke out in 1939. That opposition was centered in the America First Committee. In modern accounts of the war period, the committee is either ignored or maligned as a pro-fascist, anti-Semitic organization. It was nothing of the kind. The America First Committee had its origins at Yale University Law School in 1940, where R. Douglas Stuart Jr. and other students began circulating a petition with the intention of establishing a national organization of college students opposed to intervention in the European war. (This account is based on historian Justus D. Doenecke's highly valuable book, In Danger Undaunted: The Anti-Interventionist Movement of 1940-1941 as Revealed in the Papers ...