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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Operation Founding Fathers

Few subjects generate more official lies than the U.S. government’s devotion to spreading democracy abroad. Iraq has been the largest most recent geyser of such deceits. In order to understand future U.S. government messianic democracy efforts, it is worthwhile to review the opportunism with respect to representative government in Iraq. In a late February 2003 Washington speech, George W. Bush invoked democracy to sanctify his pending invasion of Iraq. He condescended, The nation of Iraq — with its proud heritage, abundant resources and skilled and educated people — is fully capable of moving toward democracy and living in freedom. He then showed how the coming war would be a stepping-stone to lasting peace: “The world has a clear interest in the spread of democratic values, because ...

Americans Should Be “Anti-American”

“The Iraq war has also made anti-Americanism respectable again, as it was during the Cold War but had not been since the demise of the Soviet Union.” Those words come from Robert Kagan of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, writing in the June 18 issue of the Washington Post. In his article he was at pains to show that anti-Americanism did not begin with President George W. Bush and will not end with him. “Some folks seem to believe that by returning to the policies of Harry Truman, Dean Acheson and John F. Kennedy, America will become popular around the world. I like those policies, too, but let’s not kid ourselves,” Kagan writes. “They also sparked enormous resentment among millions of peoples in many countries, resentments that are now returning to the fore. The fact is, because America ...

Bush Pledges More Mayhem in the Middle East

Asked recently about his position on Irans alleged nuclear ambitions, President Bush said, I made it clear, and Ill make it clear again, that we will use military might to protect our ally Israel. This statement brought precisely zero reaction from the public and the media. Do the American people fully appreciate that this president is committed to sending their sons and daughters to kill and die yet again in a foreign country? Leaving aside the reigning political mythology, by what moral principle does he pledge other peoples lives without their consent? It is bad enough to die for ones own country, which, lets face it, in practice always means for the exploiting elite who head the government. Being sent to die for another countrys elite is obscene. Would some of ...