Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Restoring Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Today, many Americans have come to accept that Iran is an official enemy of the United States. Most people know about the animosity between the Iranian government and the U.S. government. Since many Americans often conflate the Iranian government and the Iranian citizenry, the entire country is usually viewed as an enemy. Some might say, “But Jacob, the Iranian government is a cruel and brutal dictatorship, one that jails critics of the government, tortures them, and even executes them. Surely it doesn’t surprise you that the U.S. government opposes the Iranian dictatorship, especially given the ardent devotion to freedom and democracy that has long characterized the U.S. government.” But the U.S. government does sometimes embrace tyrannical dictatorships, even making them its partners and allies. Consider, for example, the shah of Iran, the cruel and brutal dictator who ruled Iran with an iron fist for more than 25 years — from 1953 to ...

Liberty, Peace, and Prosperity in 2016

For libertarians, things are obviously moving in a very bad direction. The welfare state continues to expand. Government spending is out of control, with the federal government incurring ever-increasing amounts of debt. The Federal Reserve is inflating a new bubble. The feds continue to wage their decades-long war on drugs. The Cold War-era national security state, which continues to play the dominant role within the federal governmental structure, continues to foment perpetual crises and chaos. Military invasions, occupations, assassinations, support of dictatorships, bombings, and other foreign interventions are now the norm for the United States. The federal government wields the totalitarian-like power to round up people, incarcerate them without trial, torture them, and assassinate them. The war on immigrants continues unabated, including against refugees who are fleeing the violence and chaos unleashed by U.S. intervention abroad. Thus, it’s easy to conclude that the prospects for liberty in the coming year are bleaker than ever. It’s easy to just say, “What’s ...

War for Peace in the Middle East

American politicians and bureaucrats have provided four reasons for the road the war on which they have embarked in the Middle East. Let us closely examine each of these reasons. We are first told that military intervention in the Middle East is necessary to ensure that the Emir of Kuwait (and his family) is restored to power and that the King of Saudi Arabia (and his family) is retained in power. In other words, we are told that American servicemen must die to preserve royal families of the Middle East. Now, the politicians and bureaucrats call these royals and highnesses "our friends." They tell us that sometimes it is necessary for American servicemen to die for "our friends." Overlooked in all of this, however, is that "our friends" Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for whom American servicemen must now die, were and are members of OPEC. Was it not just a short time ago that our government was accusing the members ...

National Conflicts, Market Liberalism and Social Peace

For three years, civil war has caused massive death and destruction in the former Yugoslavia. Almost every day, the television evening news has broadcast pictures of devastating artillery bombardments, ruined towns and villages, and multitudes of killed and wounded men, women and children. Tens of thousands of people have been turned into refugees forced to leave their homes and belongings ...