Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Sacrificing Liberty for Safety

Neither Liberty Nor Safety by Robert Higgs (Independent Institute, 2007); 202 pages. Many readers will immediately recognize that the title of this book comes from one of Benjamin Franklins many political insights: Those who would sacrifice essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Author Robert Higgs agrees with Franklins judgment, but the point of his powerful and iconoclastic book is that when people turn to the state crying for safety, they will end up sacrificing their liberty in vain. They will get neither liberty nor safety. The modern state takes peoples liberty (as well as a lot of their property) but delivers to them increased insecurity. Its a great trick a con job of monumental proportions. Politicians promise the people safety from everything from vicious terrorists to ...

Seven Years of Darkness, Tyranny, and Oppression

The year 1989 was a year of a great celebration. For that was the year that that hated and reviled symbol of tyranny, empire, and oppression, the Berlin Wall, came crashing down. Not only were the people of East Germany and Eastern Europe celebrating the demise of the Wall, so were people all over the world, including people here in the United States. That event was of special importance to Americans, who had lived under the cloud of perpetual war, militarism, military expenditures, and the military-industrial complex during the 45 years of the Cold War. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, many Americans began thinking about the possibility that they might be able to live normal lives of liberty, peace, prosperity, and harmony. Alas, it was not to be. ...

Sacrificing Liberty for Safety

Neither Liberty Nor Safety by Robert Higgs (Independent Institute, 2007); 202 pages. Many readers will immediately recognize that the title of this book comes from one of Benjamin Franklins many political insights: Those who would sacrifice essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Author Robert Higgs agrees with Franklins judgment, but the point of his powerful and iconoclastic book is that when people turn to the state crying for safety, they will end up sacrificing their liberty in vain. They will get neither liberty nor safety. The modern state takes peoples liberty (as well as a lot of their property) but delivers to them increased insecurity. Its a great trick a con job of monumental proportions. Politicians promise the people safety from everything from vicious terrorists to ...