Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Trump and America First

Whatever else might be said of Donald Trump, no one can deny that he has the most remarkable ability to make the GOP and mainstream establishment go ballistic. The most recent example is his use of the term “America First” in a foreign policy speech that he delivered right in the center of U.S. Empire, Washington, D.C. Once again, he has caused the Washington establishment and mainstream pundits and commentaries to scream like banshees. Why? Because Trump’s use of “America First” focuses people’s attention on what known as the America First Committee, a nationwide organization that opposed U.S. intervention into World War II. Given the horrific consequences of U.S. interventionism, it’s not surprising that the interventionists would get upset if any indirectly questions their interventionist shibboleth, World War II. It’s that war that interventionists inevitably revert to when anyone points out the massive death and destruction that the U.S. interventionist death machine has produced in the Middle East and Afghanistan, including the rise ...

Trump Voters Slap the Elites in the Face

The funniest part of the Donald Trump phenomenon has been the slap in the face that GOP voters have delivered to the Republican and Democratic establishments as well as to the experts, pundits, editorial boards, and commentators in the mainstream press. Practically every time these people have told voters all the reasons they should not vote for Trump, ever-increasing numbers of voters have gone to the polls and done precisely that. No doubt some of Trump’s supporters like the ugly parts of his message — e.g., the attacks on immigrants or free trade. But undoubtedly there are also lots of people who are just sick and tired of where the mainstream party establishments, experts, pundits, commentators, and editorial boards have taken our country for the past several decades — down the dark road to torture, assassination, death, destruction, bombing, regime changes, invasions, occupations, forever war, refugee crises, secret surveillance schemes, new enemies, ever-increasing budgets for the Pentagon and the CIA, and ...

Anti-war Is Pro-American

Thomas Jefferson declared the American way of interacting with the world to be "peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none." However, over the course of at least the past seven decades, the US government has turned this admonition on its head. Peace? The US government has waged wars of choice almost constantly since the end of World War II. It has distributed death and destruction around the world for nearly 70 years straight in overt wars, covert wars, coup d’états, assassinations, cold wars, drone wars, etc. Commerce? Through sanctions and embargoes, the US government has carried out economic warfare against entire countries due to political disagreements with their leaders. This has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents who were denied the opportunity to buy goods and services from the US and the rest of the world. It has also prohibited the ability of Americans to travel and trade freely. Honest friendship? The ...