Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Veterans Day and Foreign Interventionism

Commemorating Veterans Day, people honored Americans who have served in the U.S. military, especially those who have fought and died in America’s foreign wars. In doing so, however, it’s easy to forget the fact that what the soldiers fought for and died for in those foreign wars wasn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Consider World War I. American soldiers fought and died in that war under the notion that it would finally be the war that would end all European wars into the future. It was also a democracy-spreading war — that is, the war that was supposed to make the entire world safe for democracy. Alas, it was not to be. Within a relatively short time, Europe was it again, this time with World War II, which really was just a continuation of World War I. In other words, American soldiers in World I fought and died for nothing. Perhaps that’s why they changed the name of Armistice Day ...

Speaking the Unspeakable

On today, November, 22, 2013, the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, we are certain to hear the same old pabulum that we have heard for the past five decades: “We will just really never know what happened to President Kennedy on that fateful day.” What a crock. Oh sure, we might not ever know the names and addresses of the shooters or their precise locations when they took their shots. But as governmental secrecy has slowly been pierced over the years, the overwhelming weight of the circumstantial evidence has, in fact, established the broad outline of what happened on November 22, 1963, and why it happened — and why the government, from the very beginning and continuing to this very day, has fiercely attempted to keep so much of the evidence relating to the Kennedy assassination secret from the American people. For those who haven’t explored the vast amount of literature that assassination researchers have published in ...

Fighting to Win: A Message from Jacob Hornberger

Imagine how despondent statists must have been in the late 1800s. The vast majority of Americans were continuing to embrace the fundamental principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence: that everyone has been endowed with inherent, natural, God-given rights which no government can legitimately infringe. Our American ancestors were living in a society that was, indeed, unique and exceptional in the history of the world. Imagine: no welfare state and no warfare state. It was the most amazing society in history, one characterized by an ever-increasing standard of living and ever-growing levels of voluntary charity. Nevertheless, the socialists and interventionists didn’t give up and turned our country into a vast welfare-warfare state, one in which we have all been born and raised and which operates under the false rubric of “freedom and free enterprise.” Just as they defeated the advocates of liberty in their time, we can defeat the advocates of statism in our time. It just takes perseverance and determination and ...