Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

JFK’s Quest for Peace

The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted one of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. Jeffrey Sachs holds the title of University Professor, the highest rank of professorship at Columbia University. He is a special adviser to former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on the Millennium Development Goals. Sachs has authored three New York Times bestsellers: The End of Poverty (2005), Common Wealth (2008), and The Price of Civilization (2011). His most recent book is The Age of Sustainable Development (2015). At the age of 28, he became a full professor with tenure at Harvard. Sachs was named one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” in 2004 and 2005. In 2013, he authored a book on President John F. Kennedy’s remarkable Peace Speech at American University, entitled To Move the World: ...

Ron Paul Institute: Peace and Prosperity 2017

FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger will be a speaker at The Ron Paul Institute's "Peace and Prosperity 2017" conference. The Ron Paul Institute and friends return to Washington, DC, as a follow-up to last year's sold-out conference. Three-quarters of a year into the Trump Administration where is our Peace and Prosperity revolution headed? One day we hear encouraging sounds from the Administration on foreign policy, the next we hear more threats. New US bases spring up in Iraq and Syria, thousands more US soldiers back to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. More to Syria. Will the US attack North Korea? Military spending skyrockets while the economy at home crumbles. "Russiagate" rages on, built on a pack of lies. Information and registration.

The Big Obstacle to Peace in Korea

Suppose my neighbor acquired a bazooka and stored it in his home. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t threaten me with it. I ask him, “John, why have you acquired that bazooka?” He responds, “Just in case you decide to attack me and my family. If you do, we are going to defend ourselves by firing this bazooka at you.” That infuriates me! I am indignant. I demand that John immediately get rid of his bazooka. I hurl insults at him. I threaten him. I openly and publicly declare that I am going to rain fire and fury onto John, his home, and his family if he doesn’t get rid of his bazooka. John responds, “Jacob, if you attack me, you might well prevail and destroy my home and kill my family and me. But rest assured: The minute you attack me, I’m going to fire back at you with my bazooka.” All the neighbors come out to witness my stream of ...

Free Trade, Peace, and Goodwill Among Nations: The Sesquicentennial of the Triumph of Free Trade

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is justly considered one of the intellectual fountainheads of economic liberty. With a brilliant combination of logic and historical example, Smith demonstrated, like few others had up to his day, that governmental controls, regulations, and restrictions on economic freedom were the fundamental causes of extensive poverty, ...

Is the Peace Movement Finally Awakening?

What America needs most today is a peace movement, a broad-based coalition that opposes not only the American empire’s operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (as well as less overt activities elsewhere), but also their attendant accretion of presidential power, which diminishes or eliminates civil liberties and the traditional protections accorded criminal suspects. Unfortunately, there have been impediments to the ...

Is the Peace Movement Finally Awakening?

What America needs most today is a peace movement, a broad-based coalition that opposes not only the American empires operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (as well as less overt activities elsewhere), but also their attendant accretion of presidential power, which diminishes or eliminates civil liberties and the traditional protections accorded criminal suspects. Unfortunately, there ...

Is the Peace Movement Finally Awakening?

What America needs most today is a peace movement, a broad-based coalition that opposes not only the American empires operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (as well as less overt activities elsewhere), but also their attendant accretion of presidential power, which diminishes or eliminates civil liberties and the traditional protections accorded criminal suspects. Unfortunately, there ...

Is a Peace Movement Finally Awakening?

What America needs most today is a peace movement, a broad-based coalition that opposes not only the American empire’s operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (as well as less overt activities elsewhere), but also its attendant accretion of presidential power, which diminishes or eliminates civil liberties and the traditional protections accorded criminal suspects. Unfortunately, there have been impediments to the ...