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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The 59th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination

REMINDER: This is our end-of-year fundraising drive. Your support today will help us advance liberty in the year head. We could never do our work without those of you who help us out in a bigger way. If you are already an FFF donor, we hope you will renew your support with a generous end-of-year donation. If you have never donated to FFF, we hope you'll change that situation by making a generous donation to FFF. Here is my end-of-year message seeking your support. Thank you for your consideration, your commitment to liberty, and your great support of our work.--Jacob Hornberger, president, FFF. ***** Given that today is the 59th anniversary of the JFK assassination, it is natural to ask what difference it makes. After all, that was a long time ago. Isn’t it time to just let it go and move on? My answer is categorically no. The JFK assassination was a major political rupture ...

The Humorous Side of China’s Crackdown

NOTE: If you haven’t yet made an end-of-year (tax-deductible) donation to FFF, I hope you will consider doing so. A $250 donation makes you a member of our FFF Freedom Club. Your generous support enables us to do what we do — and have done for 33 years — present the principled case for liberty, with the aim of moving our nation in the direction of freedom, peace, prosperity, and harmony. See my end-of-year fundraising appeal entitled “Spreading the Light of Liberty.” Thank you, and Merry Christmas! Jacob ***** U.S. officials are up in arms over China’s crackdown on the large number of people who are protesting the Chinese regime’s harsh rules and regulations to combat Covid. They are lecturing the Chinese on the importance of freedom of speech and telling them that they should leave the protestors alone.  Notice, however, that there is a significant omission from the U.S. critiques — criticism ...

The Historical Foundation of Civil Liberties, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 This article is from a transcript of the opening presentation of FFF’s September 21, 2021, conference “Restoring Our Civil Liberties.” In the later classical period, a new system, which came to be known as democracy, emerged, notably in Athens. It was based on the liberty of the citizens and was used to describe the Athenaion Politeia after the reforms undertaken by the Greek states and Cleisthenes in the period 508 to 507, before the common era. Athens had been a cauldron of civil strife — that is to say, what we might call a civil war or internal conflict — and Cleisthenes was called on to reform the system. In 510, the Athenians had expelled a tyrant, Hippias, with the help of the Spartans. Isagoras then collaborated with the Spartans to seize power and expelled Cleisthenes, who then called on the people to rebel, was elected, and began a democratic ...