Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Power to Assassinate

The power to assassinate has become so deeply entrenched within the national-security branch of the federal government that hardly anyone gives it a second thought. State-sponsored assassinations now occur on a regular basis, especially in the Middle East. Most everyone, especially the mainstream press, treats them in a nonchalant, ho-hum way. Hardly anyone questions where this extraordinary power to snuff out a person’s life comes from. It is indeed an extraordinary power, given that it entails the authority to effectively murder a person with impunity. Ordinarily, the victim is not notified in advance of the national-security establishment’s intent to assassinate him. He isn’t given an opportunity to object or to show that he doesn’t deserve to be killed. There is no trial to determine whether he has committed a death-penalty offense. Under our form of government, the national-security establishment, specifically the CIA and the Pentagon, wield the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to assassinate anyone they want. Theoretically, they target only “bad ...

JFK’s Rejection of the Anti-Russia Animus

Illinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger is going ballistic over comments made by fellow congressman Rand Paul and Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson that supposedly suggest a support of Russia in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war.  Never mind that neither Paul nor Tucker said any such thing. And never mind that the United States is ostensibly not a party to the war. And never mind that Americans have the fundamental right to support whoever they want in international affairs. Note: A reader has brought to my attention that Tucker made the following statement some three years ago: “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia?!” Carlson said. “And I’m serious. Why do I care? Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which I am.” Here is an article about that controversy: I'll let Carlson speak for himself. Regardless, what matters is that when the Pentagon decrees an official enemy, it ...

What We Need is a New Direction for America

If John Kennedy were president today, there never would have been a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s because of two things: (1) Kennedy’s unique ability to step into the shoes of an adversary in an attempt to resolve a disagreement; and (2) Kennedy’s willingness to stand up against the Pentagon and the CIA and their fierce anti-Russia animus and ferocious anti-communist crusade. As longtime readers of FFF know, for the past several years I have focused much of my attention on the Kennedy administration and the Kennedy assassination. This is best reflected by my new book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story,  FFF’s other books relating to the assassination, including The Kennedy Autopsy and The Kennedy Autopsy 2 (both by me) and JFK’s War with the National-Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated (by Douglas P. Horne), and FFF conferences relating to the JFK administration and ...

Max Boot’s Rant Against Oliver Stone

Max Boot, a conservative who has long favored regime-change operations on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment, is going after Hollywood producer and director Oliver Stone. His beef with Stone? He’s upset because Stone has long maintained that the U.S. national-security establishment employed one of its patented regime-change operations here at home, against President John F. Kennedy.