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Hornberger’s Blog, September 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007 If Hispanics Had Committed the 9/11 Attacks by Jacob G. Hornberger Let’s assume that the 9/11 hijackers had been illegal immigrants from Mexico, Nicaragua, and El Salvador and that in retaliation, President Bush had ordered his military forces to attack Bolivia. Is there any doubt that some Americans would be supporting the president’s invasion and occupation of Bolivia? After all, all that President Bush would have to argue is that Bolivia has become a haven for Hispanic terrorists. After the invasion, many Bolivians would become insurgents against the U.S. occupiers. Hispanics from other countries would come to Bolivia to help the insurgency. The attacks on U.S. occupation forces in Bolivia would enable President Bush and his supporters to exclaim, “You see, we were right. Bolivia is filled with terrorists. Better to fight them there than to fight them in America.” What about the deaths of Bolivian people, both soldiers and civilians. Bush and his supporters would respond that solders always die ...

Hornberger’s Blog, September 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007 If Hispanics Had Committed the 9/11 Attacks by Jacob G. Hornberger Let’s assume that the 9/11 hijackers had been illegal immigrants from Mexico, Nicaragua, and El Salvador and that in retaliation, President Bush had ordered his military forces to attack Bolivia. Is there any doubt that some Americans would be supporting the president’s invasion and occupation of Bolivia? After all, all that President Bush would have to argue is that Bolivia has become a haven for Hispanic terrorists. After the invasion, many Bolivians would become insurgents against the U.S. occupiers. Hispanics from other countries would come to Bolivia to help the insurgency. The attacks on U.S. occupation forces in Bolivia would enable President Bush and his supporters to exclaim, “You see, we were right. Bolivia is filled with terrorists. Better to fight them there than to fight them in America.” What about the deaths of Bolivian people, both soldiers and civilians. Bush and his supporters would respond that solders always die ...

Hornberger’s Blog: November 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005 Sen. Hillary Clinton is among the growing number of congressional Democrats who are having second thoughts about the president’s war on Iraq. In a 1600-word email to her constituents, Clinton said, ''I take responsibility for my vote, and I, along with a majority of Americans, expect the president and his administration to take responsibility for the false assurances, faulty evidence and mismanagement of the war…. Based on the information that we have today, Congress never would have been asked to give the president authority to use force against Iraq.” Unfortunately, Clinton doesn’t face the important issue: That she, along with her cohorts in Congress, in the face of upcoming 2002 congressional elections, cowardly abrogated their responsibilities under the U.S. Constitution, which they swear to uphold and defend, by not insisting, on pain of impeachment, that the president secure the constitutionally required ...