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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Ludwig von Mises as the Victim of Quinn Slobodian’s Intellectual Dishonesty

We live at a time when one of the worst accusations that can be thrown at someone is the charge of “racist.” Have that word tied to your name and it not only results in moral condemnation, it potentially throws into discredit almost anything and everything that person has said or done. That makes it a serious matter when an individual never identified with such racist views or values has that accusation attached to them. Wellesley College historian, Quinn Slobodian, has recently attempted to attach such a charge to Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises. In an article on, “Perfect Capitalism, Imperfect Humans: Race, Migration, and the Limits of Ludwig von Mises’s Globalism” (Contemporary European History, Dec. 2018), Professor Slobodian says that Mises, in some of his writings, rationalized racist attitudes and policy perspectives, especially concerning race relations in the United States. The actual facts show this is a fundamentally baseless accusation that attempts to taint and tarnish ...

Raining on the Latest Immigration Deal

Immigration control advocates are undoubtedly hoping that the new immigration deal that is being struck to avert another government “shutdown” will finally, once and for all, end the decades-long immigration crisis. No more having to pace the floor in anxiety and depression. No more fear that the “invaders” are coming to get us and take control over our welfare system. Nothing but inner peace and harmony. I hate to rain on this statist parade but it just ain’t gonna happen. The decades-long immigration crisis will continue, as will the pacing, anxiety, and depression. The fear that the “invaders” are coming to get us and bankrupt us with welfare will continue to grip people’s minds. In fact, even if President Trump were to succeed in getting his much-beloved Berlin Wall constructed on every square inch of the border (after stealing people’s property with eminent domain) — indeed, even if Trump’s Wall was as high as ...

Liberal Internationalism: True and False, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 The classical liberal international order of the nineteenth century was not planned or designed by anyone. It was, for the most part, the natural outgrowth of the expanding influence of a new political philosophy of freedom, free markets, and free trade. It began to emerge in the wake of the twenty-five years of war that Britain and other European countries had been fighting against France until the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815. During those decades of war, the ideas that came to be identified with classical liberalism — individual liberty, secure and respected private property rights under impartial rule of law, the recognized right of individuals to freely follow occupations of their own choosing and to voluntarily trade with others on mutually agreed-upon terms, and wide respect for civil liberties — had been slowly growing in influence in both intellectual and political circles, especially in Great Britain. The United States had been founded on those ...

Witnessing Lithuania’s 1991 Fight for Freedom from Soviet Power

Individual liberty and representative democracy as complementary forms of personal and political self-government are precious aspects of shared social life. Given the political and economic events surrounding the recent presidential election and the restrictions on personal freedom due to the government-imposed lockdowns in the face of the coronavirus, it seems appropriate to recall a real fight for a free ...