Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Economic Ideas: Adam Ferguson and Society as a Spontaneous Order

One of the most cherished misunderstandings, if not delusions, of the social engineer – the individual who would presume to attempt to remake society through conscious and planned design – is the confident belief that he (and those like him) can ever know enough to successfully remold mankind and human institutions. An appreciation of how limited is our individual knowledge and abilities to intentionally try make a “better world” through government regulation, control and central planning has been slow in fully developing, and still eludes too many among what is sometimes referred to as the “intellectual class” who influence and often seem to direct the social policy discourse in the modern world. Yet, it was precisely the call for men to use their reason to understand the modesty with which they should approach matters of social evolution and societal change that was a central hallmark of several of the members of the Scottish Enlightenment. A leading figure in this Scottish movement was ...

Is Trump Falling into Line on Russia?

Most everyone in Washington, especially those who feed at the warfare-state trough, is overly pleased with Mad Dog Mattis, President-elect Trump’s nominee for Defense Secretary. That’s because Mattis’ testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee fell squarely within the acceptable parameters established by the U.S. national-security establishment. Russia is bad. Putin is worse. Good relations with Russia are impossible. Russia is a rival. Russia is an enemy. Americans must reject Russia. It all brings to mind the Cold War and the conversion of the federal government to a national-security state, the same type of governmental apparatus that characterizes totalitarian regimes. In fact, the current controversy over Russia helps to show young people what many of us had to endure during the Cold War I years. As soon as World War II was over, U.S. officials did not skip a beat. While Nazi Germany had been defeated in the war, Americans were told that ...

The Russian Obsession Goes Back Decades

Just consider the accusations that have been leveled at the president: He has betrayed the Constitution, which he swore to uphold. He has committed treason by befriending Russia and other enemies of America. He has subjugated America’s interests to Moscow. He has been caught in fantastic lies to the American people, including personal ones, like his previous marriage and divorce. President Donald Trump? No, President John F. Kennedy. What lots of Americans don’t realize, because it was kept secret from them for so long, is that what Trump has been enduring from the national-security establishment, the mainstream press, and the American right-wing for his outreach to, or “collusion with,” Russia pales compared to what Kennedy had to endure for committing the heinous “crime” of reaching out to Russia and the rest of the Soviet Union in a spirit of peace and friendship. They hated him for it. They abused him. They insulted him. They belittled him. They called him naïve. They said he ...

Why Did the U.S. Government Prosecute Letelier’s and Moffitt’s Assassins?

REMINDER: FFF's blockbuster conference, "The National Security State and JFK," is this Saturday, June 3, at the Washington Dulles Airport Marriott Hotel. Speakers: Oliver Stone, Ron Paul, Stephen Kinzer, Jeffrey Sachs, Michael Glennon, Doug Horne, Peter Janney,  Michael Swanson, Jefferson Morley, Jim DiEugenio, and Jacob Hornberger. One of the most interesting aspects of the Cold War was the Justice ...

Blame the Anti-Russia Brouhaha on the CIA and Pentagon

Have you noticed that according to the Pentagon, the CIA, and the U.S. mainstream press (whose newspapers oftentimes appear to be wholly owned subsidiaries of the national-security establishment), it’s always Russia that is “assertive” and “aggressive” while the United States, whose regime invades and occupies countries, assassinates people, partners with brutal dictatorial regimes, and initiates coups, is portrayed as ...

The Conservative Mantra

Conservative godfather Russell Kirk (1918–1994) wrote lengthy philosophical treatises on “the six canons of conservative thought” and “ten conservative principles.” Throughout his writings on conservatism he praised natural law, order, virtue, restraint, custom, convention, continuity, tradition, prudence, permanent things, an enduring moral order, property, and voluntary community, while he disdained hasty innovation, collectivism, uniformity, egalitarianism, utilitarianism, and those who ...