Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Roots of World War II

It is commonly thought that the 20th century witnessed two world wars. It would be more accurate to say that the century had but one world war with a 21-year intermission. To put it another way, World War II grew out of World War I; indeed, it was made virtually inevitable by it. More specifically, a case can be made that World War II was a result of American intervention in the First World War. Counterfactual history is a risky endeavor. But the events that followed America's entry into World War I strongly suggest that had President Woodrow Wilson permanently "kept us out of war," as his 1916 presidential campaign slogan boasted, the conditions that produced World War II would not have been sown. The Great War began in August 1914. America did not enter the war until April 1917. By that time both sides were exhausted from years of grinding warfare. There is ample reason to believe that had ...

Hornberger’s Blog, October 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009 Why Do Liberals Hate the Poor in Cuba? by Jacob G. Hornberger President’s Obama’s much-ballyhooed campaign promise of “change” has received yet another setback. This time it’s respect to the U.S. embargo against Cuba, which has been in existence for some 50 years. Obama, who wowed and wooed the crowds during his presidential campaign with promises of “change,” has decided to continue the embargo. Never mind that the UN General Assembly, in a 187-3 vote with 3 abstentions, condemned the embargo. (Israel and Palau joined up with the United States). Alas, even that was not enough to cause Obama, the great believer in democracy, to change half-a-century of a cruel and brutal U.S. policy toward the Cuban people. What this means is that President Obama will continue threatening, prosecuting, and punishing Americans who ...

A Hypothetical Invasion of Bolivia

Suppose the world had awakened this morning to the news that the Russian army had attacked and invaded Bolivia. Thousands of Russian paratroopers have landed in the country, securing airports, permitting hundreds of Russian transport planes to bring in tens of thousands of Russian soldiers. Despite being badly outmanned and outgunned, the Bolivians, both military and civilian, are resisting the invasion fiercely. Both the Russians and the Bolivians are suffering hundreds of casualties. When asked why Russia has decided to invade Bolivia, Russian officials respond, “In order to spread democracy, stability, peace, and freedom in Latin America.” What would be the reaction of the American people? My hunch is that at least 99 percent of the American people and 100 percent of U.S. officials would be angry and outraged. Immediately, U.S. officials would be denouncing the raw, naked aggression and demanding that Russia ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008 An All-Abiding Faith in the Welfare-Warfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger Among the more amusing political mantras in the presidential race is that of Mitt Romney. "Washington is broken," he declares, inevitably bringing cheers from Republican audiences. It's as amusing as the popular mantra employed by the Democrats: "Change!" They still just don't get it. It's not "Washington" that ...

Hornberger’s Blog, September 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007 If Hispanics Had Committed the 9/11 Attacks by Jacob G. Hornberger Let’s assume that the 9/11 hijackers had been illegal immigrants from Mexico, Nicaragua, and El Salvador and that in retaliation, President Bush had ordered his military forces to attack Bolivia. Is there any doubt that some Americans would be supporting the president’s invasion and occupation of Bolivia? After all, ...