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Attention Deficit Democracy

The following is the introduction to James Bovards new book, Attention Deficit Democracy. The forms of our free government have outlasted the ends for which they were instituted, and have become a mere mockery of the people for whose benefit they should operate. Americus Delusions about democracy are subverting peace and freedom. The American system of government is collapsing thanks to ignorant citizens, lying politicians, and a government leashed neither by law nor Constitution. While presidents and pundits harp on democracys inevitable spread around the world, it is perishing at home. Victorious politicians routinely invoke the "will of the people" to sanctify their power. But voters cannot countenance what they do not understand. The "will of the people" ...

Private: Commentaries – 2007

December 2007 Are Conservatives (Undocumented) Aliens? by Jacob G. Hornberger Torturing the Language of Torture by Sheldon Richman Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy (Video) by Ron Paul The Tortured Logic of Executive Supremacy (Video) by Joseph R. Stromberg Iran's Phantom Nukes by Sheldon Richman Technology and Government Power A Deadly Cocktail Freedom (Video) by Bob Barr November 2007 Bully of the Playground: How Washington Makes Enemies Abroad and Undermines Freedom at Home (Video) by Ted Galen Carpenter The Myth of a Risk-Free Life by Tibor Machan Iraq 3.0 by Sheldon Richman Advancing Liberty With Your Support by Jacob G. Hornberger Should the State License Human Beings? by Sheldon Richman The Soviet-Style Attack on NORFED by Jacob G. Hornberger The CIAs Detention, Interrogation, and Rendition Program (Video) by Joanne Mariner

Commentaries – 2007

December 2007 Are Conservatives (Undocumented) Aliens? by Jacob G. Hornberger Torturing the Language of Torture by Sheldon Richman Nonintervention: The Original Foreign Policy (Video) by Ron Paul The Tortured Logic of Executive Supremacy (Video) by Joseph R. Stromberg Iran's Phantom Nukes by Sheldon Richman Technology and Government Power A Deadly Cocktail Freedom (Video) by Bob Barr November 2007 Bully of the Playground: How Washington Makes Enemies Abroad and Undermines Freedom at Home (Video) by Ted Galen Carpenter The Myth of a Risk-Free Life by Tibor Machan Iraq 3.0 by Sheldon Richman Advancing Liberty With Your Support by Jacob G. Hornberger Should the State License Human Beings? by Sheldon Richman The Soviet-Style Attack on NORFED by Jacob G. Hornberger The CIAs Detention, Interrogation, and Rendition Program (Video) by Joanne Mariner Life & Property by Tibor Machan The Foolishness and Immorality of ...