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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Hornberger’s Blog, December 2005

Saturday, December 31, 2005 Our government is mired in such wrongful conduct as torture, denial of due process, denial of jury trials, spying on Americans, warrantless recording of citizens telephone calls, military interference with the criminal justice system, military denigration of the Constitution, brutal sanctions on overseas people, wars of aggression, military occupations, secret Soviet-era torture centers overseas, kidnapping of people and rendition to brutal foreign regimes, lies and false claims of innocence, presidential dictatorship and congressional indifference. On the domestic side, our government maintains a stranglehold of dependency over the American people with such paternalistic programs as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, educational grants, welfare, corporate subsidies, and protectionism. It maintains a dark cloud of interventionist programs that hang over everyone, such as the 30-year war on drugs, brutal business, financial, and banking regulations enforced by hordes of ravenous bureaucrats, and, of course, the infamous and terrifying ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 The Silence of the Gun-Control Crowd While the gun-control crowd is going bananas over the fact that state and local governments are not constitutionally permitted to ban private ownership of handguns, they are remaining mute over a killing that took place in an apartment in Forestville, Maryland, on the same day that the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Chicago gun-ban case. According to the Washington Post, a maintenance man shot and killed an intruder in his apartment. The maintenance man, who remains unidentified, had confronted the intruder as he was trying to force a woman into her apartment. The intruder forced the maintenance man into the maintenance man’s apartment, where the shoot-out occurred. The intruder shot at the maintenance man but missed, and the maintenance man, who was able to reach his gun, returned fire and shot the intruder, who later died at the hospital. If they weren’t remaining mute about this shooting, what would the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 The Silence of the Gun-Control Crowd by Jacob G. Hornberger While the gun-control crowd is going bananas over the fact that state and local governments are not constitutionally permitted to ban private ownership of handguns, they are remaining mute over a killing that took place in an apartment in Forestville, Maryland, on the same day that the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Chicago gun-ban case. According to the Washington Post, a maintenance man shot and killed an intruder in his apartment. The maintenance man, who remains unidentified, had confronted the intruder as he was trying to force a woman into her apartment. The intruder forced the maintenance man into the maintenance man’s apartment, where the shoot-out occurred. The intruder shot at the maintenance man but missed, and the maintenance man, who was able to reach his gun, returned fire and shot the intruder, ...