Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Incrementalism Versus the Libertarian Non-Aggression Principle

The modern-day libertarian movement is besieged by statist proposals to reform the welfare-warfare state way of life in which Americans live. Included among such reform proposals are things like Social Security “privatization,” school vouchers, health-savings accounts, immigration “reform,” and many more. As I have indicated in previous articles, reform-oriented libertarians have long maintained that these reform proposals are “freedom and free enterprise.” Of course, that’s simply not true. Libertarianism — or genuine liberty — necessarily requires the elimination of infringements on liberty, not their reform. Reform leaves the infringements intact, albeit in some modified or reformed fashion. By and large, the reform idea began being introduced into the libertarian movement by disenchanted conservatives who began leaving the conservative movement and entering the libertarian movement. They prevailed on many libertarians to abandon the radical nature of genuine liberty and instead settle for a warmed over, reformed version of the welfare-warfare state. Their argument was that ...

How We Achieve Freedom

An important question naturally arises: How do we achieve freedom given the current circumstances under which we are living in America? I think most every libertarian would acknowledge that when it comes to liberty, America is a seriously bad shape. Moreover, both conservatives and liberals, as reflected by presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden, are fiercely committed to the welfare-warfare state way of life, which is antithetical to the principles of liberty. And no matter how bad things get, conservatives and liberals become more determined to maintain the iron grip of the welfare-warfare state on American life, under the guise of protecting “freedom” and “national security.” Moreover, the libertarian movement is now filled with people who have made peace with either the welfare state (especially with respect to Social Security and Medicare) or the warfare state (especially with respect to the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA) or both and have committed their efforts ...

Who Should Run the Country?

In one line in an editorial today, the Los Angeles Times has summed up everything that is wrong with America today. The editorial is about Trump’s early return to the White House after his hospital stay for treatment for Covid-19. That’s not the issue I wish to address. I wish to focus on this line that the Times uses to criticize Trump: President Trump returned to the White House Monday …and was raring to go back to the critical work of running the country.  That’s it. Right there in one small phrase the Times sums up everything that is wrong with the country. The assumption, of course, is that the president — and to a larger extent the government — should be “running the country.” That is the assumption that has guided the United States for more than 100 years, since at least the time of the presidential regime of ...