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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

NATO’s “Unified Front” at Breaking Point

Last month, a Turkish warship came one step away from firing missiles at a French naval vessel off the coast of Libya. In response, Paris suspended its involvement in Operation Sea Guardian — a multinational maritime effort to provide security in the Mediterranean Sea and halt the arms trafficking fueling Libya’s ongoing civil war. Initially, only eight member states — notably excluding both the U.S. and U.K. — supported France’s official complaint. This was only the latest incident in the increasingly frequent — and exceedingly awkward — tensions between several of Washington’s core North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies. Indeed, from South America to East Asia, NATO members stand divided over many critical foreign policy issues of the moment. On the subject of NATO — as with much else — President Trump is obtuse and ill-informed.  Only here he isn't exactly wrong. In fact, recent events raise serious questions about the 70-year old alliance’s lingering ...

The CIA Versus the Kennedys

Former Congressman Ron Paul and his colleague Dan McAdams recently conducted a fascinating interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which focused in part on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, who was Kennedy Jr.'s uncle. The interview took place on their program the Ron Paul Liberty Report. Owing to the many federal records that have been released over the years relating to the Kennedy assassination, especially through the efforts of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s, many Americans are now aware of the war that was being waged between President Kennedy and the CIA throughout his presidency. The details of this war are set forth in FFF’s book  JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne. In the interview, Robert Kennedy Jr. revealed a fascinating aspect of this war with which I was unfamiliar. He stated that the deep animosity that the CIA ...

How to Tell RINOs From Elephants

Conservatives frequently dub Republican politicians they deem insufficiently committed to “free enterprise, private property, and limited government” Republicans in Name Only, or RINOs. But are they really phony Republicans? “The Republican Party was always, from its inception, the party of big government in America,” Thomas DiLorenzo observed in his book Lincoln Unmasked. As the successor to the Whig Party, the GOP was in many ways the antithesis of the Democratic Party, which in the mid-1800s still clung to its Jeffersonian roots. Democrats favored small, decentralized, constitutional government. Republicans stumped for high protective tariffs, “internal improvements” (that invariably benefited their cronies), and central banking, as the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, described his own platform in 1832, when he made his initial foray into politics as a Whig. Even the GOP’s supposed opposition to slavery — the party actually sought to protect the “peculiar institution” via constitutional amendment — “was motivated much more by politics and economics than by humanitarianism,” noted ...