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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Max Weber on Politics as a Vocation

Political election seasons are always interesting times. An array of candidates offer themselves to the voters, each one promising a bundle of policy programs targeting what government will do for those who elect them, as well as all those who did not vote for them. They are all about how much they want to “give back” and to do for us. They portray themselves as ethical eunuchs, living just for the betterment of the rest of us. But is this really what the government and political power is all about in our day and age? An analysis and answer to this question was offered 100 years ago, by the famous German sociologist and historian, Max Weber (1864-1920) in a lecture on “Politics as a Vocation,” delivered to a group of students in Munich, Germany on January 28, 1919. It was published later that year. Europe Unhinged After World War I Those were trying times in the world, and ...

Were the Deaths of Three Children Worth It?

One of the interesting aspects surrounding the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the simultaneous deaths of three of his children who were near him when he exploded his suicide vest rather than be taken captive by U.S. forces. The question naturally arises: Were the deaths of those three children worth it? U.S. interventionists would undoubtedly respond by saying that U.S. forces didn’t kill the three children. Baghdadi did. Therefore, they would say, the U.S. government isn’t responsible for the deaths of those three children. But the fact remains that if U.S. forces had not conducted the raid to get Baghdadi, those three children would still be alive. The price for getting Baghdadi included the deaths of those three children. Was it worth it? Interventionists would undoubtedly say that of course the deaths of those children were worth it. After all, Baghdadi was a vicious and brutal terrorist who was head of an organization that wanted ...

The Case for Globalism, So-Called

The global economy seems to be coming under attack from a variety of directions. On one side, there are the reborn “democratic socialists” and other “progressives” who insist that the international capitalist system exploits workers and minority groups. On the other side, there are nationalists and other nativists who fear the loss not just of jobs but the cultural character of their societies from foreign investors and immigrants looking for new homes. The fact is, for almost everyone, everywhere, things are getting better all the time due to the greater openness of the entire globe to trade, investment, and a peaceful movement of people. Let’s start with some thought-provoking numbers. Worldwide, over the last 50 years, life expectancy, on average, has increased from 56 years to 72 years at time of death; this represents a nearly 30 percent increase in the time many of us are likely to live on this earth. In 1966, 113 infants died out of every ...

Why Don’t Conservatives Tell the Truth about Food Stamps?

About two years ago, the Trump administration, through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, announced new guidelines that allowed states to impose work requirements for able-bodied persons to receive Medicaid. Now it has strengthened work requirements for the food-stamp program. Predictably, just as two years ago, Democrats and liberals are outraged. The federal food-stamp program (officially called SNAP, the Supplemental ...