Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Remember the Maine! Also the Arizona and the Maddox!

As the U.S. war drums beat ever louder with respect to Iran, it’s worth remembering the Maine, the Arizona, and the Maddox. They were three U.S. vessels that played instrumental rolls in enabling U.S. officials to embroil the United States into foreign wars. The Maine was a U.S. ship that that U.S. officials stationed in Havana harbor in 1898 in the hope of embroiling the U.S. in the Spanish-American War. This was a time of empires, with the Spanish Empire controlling Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines, and others. Spain’s colonial acquisitions were fighting for independence, which was what the war was about. The U.S. Constitution had called into existence a limited-government republic, one whose founding foreign policy was non-interventionism in the affairs and conflicts of other nations. That foreign policy had lasted about 100 years. By the time the late 1800s came around, however, there were a large number of Americans who favored converting the federal government into an interventionist ...

Who Is the Real Enemy of Freedom?

The Fresno Grizzlies, a farm team of the Washington Nationals baseball team, are in hot water. At a Memorial Day game, the team showed an annual Cold War-era tribute video by Ronald Reagan that extolled the U.S. military and its foreign wars, including the Vietnam War, which, the film said, defended our freedoms here at home. The film also featured a picture of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, who was identified as an “enemy of freedom.” But it’s clear that someone has edited and updated the film because in addition to Castro, the pictures of post-Cold War “enemies of freedom” are shown. These include photographs of a member of Antifa, the militant left-wing anti-fascist group, Kim Jong-Un, the communist dictator of North Korea, with whom, ironically, President Trump has fallen in love … and … self-described socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ocasio-Cortez? An enemy of freedom? Just like Castro and Kim Jong-Un? What’s she doing in Congress? She is obviously a ...

China’s Scary Rise as a Regional Hegemon

What could be scarier than the rise of a regional hegemon? Right? It conjures up an image of a giant Transformer, one who is going on the march and stomping through smaller nearby nations and imposing its will on them. Scary! That’s the situation with China. While President Trump’s trade war that he has initiated with China gets most of the focus, the U.S. government’s aim with China goes much further than that. It goes to China’s rise as a regional hegemon, something that U.S. officials are always on the lookout for and that they will smash out of existence before the regional hegemon can become a global hegemon. Of course, this is all empire-speak but that’s the way it is with empires. The big empire cannot afford a smaller nation get too powerful because then it would be able to compete against the big empire. Ever since the end of the Cold ...