Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Libertarian Lessons: Foreign Policy

In a libertarian society the role of government is restricted to the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Its only legitimate actions are those guaranteeing the rights of individuals against any who would violate them. What, then, is the proper role of the U.S. government in foreign affairs? To protect the rights of Americans here at home, not act as policeman of the world. The U.S. Constitution grants specific powers to the federal government. Article 1, Section 8, grants to Congress the power to raise an army and navy, to call out the militia, and to declare war. The Framers understood that individuals have a right to protect themselves and that self-defense in a national context requires the existence of a military force sufficient to repel or discourage acts of aggression by foreign governments. This enormous power resides in Congress for a reason. James Wilson, a delegate from Pennsylvania to the Constitutional Convention, praised the Constitution because “the important ...

Death, Suffering, and an Immigration Police State

Ever since the libertarian movement began attracting conservatives, the movement has grown by leaps and bounds. Not surprisingly, some of these conservatives have come with baggage consisting of conservative positions that some of them have simply been unable to let go of. Rather than simply accept the fact that their conservative views are contrary to those of the movement which they have decided to join, some of these conservative libertarians have instead tried to get the libertarian movement to abandon its libertarian principles and embrace conservative positions instead. There is no better example of this phenomenon than the issue of immigration. Conservatives share the same view on immigration that liberals (i.e., progressives or leftists) have: that the federal government should centrally manage and control the peaceful movements of people across borders that separate nations. Interestingly enough, most liberals and conservatives believe that governments should not have the authority to manage and control the movements of people across state and county borders. ...

Private Government in Genoa

Genoa’s Freedom: Entrepreneurship, Republicanism, and the Spanish Atlantic by Matteo Salonia (Lexington Books, 2017); 214 pages. If the city of Genoa had advertised for security services in the 15th century, the job description might have looked like this: Security-Services Wanted Entrepreneurs in the city of Genoa recently fired the king of France and seek a replacement to provide security services. REQUIREMENTS/DUTIES Provide cost-effective domestic and foreign security services for 1 year, renewable annually. Abide by the Genoese law code and procedures for arrest and prosecution. Operate within a fixed budget to be negotiated at contract signing. Respond quickly to monthly and ad hoc reviews by Genoa’s fiduciary, the Bank of St. George. TERMINATION: 30-day notice by either party. SUBVERSION: Attempts to undermine the contract will result in contract termination (see king of France). CORPORATE CULTURE: The city values unhampered economic activity. As a hireling, you are not to expand or redefine services to include new tasks (mission creep) or place security employees ...

Ludwig von Mises on Liberalism, Nationalism, and Self-Determination

Ludwig von Mises was one of the most important Austrian economists of the 20th century, having left his mark on economic theory and policy by demonstrating that socialist central planning was inherently unworkable because of the abolition of a market-based pricing system for purposes of economic calculation, and by developing a theory of the business cycle that argued that ...