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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

NATO Is the Model Entangling Alliance

Suppose I had an unlimited power of attorney to sign your name as a co-signer on any loan I made with the bank. Every time I went to the bank and borrowed money, I could legally obligate you to pay my loan if I defaulted. How would you like that? My hunch is that you wouldn’t be too excited about that arrangement. That is precisely the authority that NATO has over the American people, only the obligation is much worse than a financial one. The obligation involves killing and dying. That is, NATO has the authority to obligate young Americans, both men and women, to kill and die for whatever overseas regime that NATO decides to admit as a member of the organization. How does NATO work? If another nation attacks any member of NATO, the United States is automatically bound to come to its defense. That is not the type of system on which the United States was founded when the U.S. ...

Rep. Mark Sanford – Non-Interventionism: America’s Founding Foreign Policy

Our country is enmeshed in permanent, ongoing foreign wars and interventions. The results of foreign interventionism have been catastrophic, not only in terms of massive death and destruction abroad, but also in terms of ongoing, ever-growing destruction of liberty, privacy, and prosperity here at home. It is time for America to do some serious soul-searching. The best place to begin is by examining first principles — especially the founding principle of non-interventionism on which our nation was founded and which remained its guiding principle for more than a century. There are few forces in the universe more powerful than ideas on liberty. They have the potential to sweep across a nation and bring monumental paradigm shifts in society. That’s what we aim to do with the idea of non-interventionism. It is an idea whose time has come, again. It is the paradigm that will help restore liberty, peace, prosperity, privacy, and harmony to our ...

Mueller’s Indictment Isn’t Worth Squat

I sure wish the mainstream media and all those critics of Donald Trump had had better civics teachers in high school. If they had, they would understand that special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment against those Russian officials for supposedly illegally meddling in America’s presidential election doesn’t mean squat. Instead, the media and the Trump critics have accepted the indictment as proof, even conclusive proof, that the Russians really did do what Mueller is charging them with doing. Of course, it’s not really Mueller’s indictment. It’s a federal grand jury that has returned the indictment. But, in reality, it’s Mueller’s indictment. He drafts it up and the grand jury dutifully signs whatever he presents to them. As the old legal adage goes, prosecutors can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. A prosecutor can say whatever he wants in an indictment. It’s not sworn to. Neither the prosecutor nor the grand jury can be prosecuted for perjury or false allegations ...

Richard M. Ebeling – Non-Interventionism: America’s Founding Foreign Policy

This speech was part of a program entitled "Non-Interventionism: America’s Founding Foreign Policy" that was presented in Charleston, South Carolina on April 29, 2018. Our country is enmeshed in permanent, ongoing foreign wars and interventions. The results of foreign interventionism have been catastrophic, not only in terms of massive death and destruction abroad, but also ...