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The Slippery Slope to a Constitution-Free America

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”—Benjamin Franklin The ease with which Americans are prepared to welcome boots on the ground, regional lockdowns, routine invasions of their privacy, and the dismantling of every constitutional right intended to serve as a bulwark against government abuses is beyond unnerving. I am referring at this particular moment in time to President Trump’s decision to deploy military forces to the border in a supposed bid to protect the country from invading bands of illegal immigrants. This latest attempt to bamboozle the citizenry into relinquishing even more of their rights is commonly referred to as letting the wolves guard the henhouse. Never mind that using the U.S. military as a police force constitutes a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. Never mind that America’s police have already been transformed into a standing army. Never mind that the borders ...

Korea Remains None of the U.S. Government’s Business

While pundits can engage in endless debate over whether President Trump’s sanctions forced North Korean dictator Kim Jung-un to the negotiating table or whether Kim’s threat of firing nuclear weapons  at the United States forced Trump to the negotiating table, one thing that the mainstream commentators are ignoring is the discomforting fact that Korea remains none of the U.S. government’s business. Let’s keep in mind that this is a civil war we are dealing with, no different in principle from America’s civil war. The Korean civil war is no more the business of the U.S. government than the U.S. civil war was the business of the Korean government. There is another discomforting fact that the pundits seem to ignore: The original U.S. intervention into the Korean civil war was illegal under our form of government. That’s because under the U.S. form of constitutional government, the president and the Pentagon are prohibited by law from waging war against another nation-state without first ...

JFK and the Inconceivable Doctrine, Part 2

Three years ago, I wrote an article entitled “JFK and the Inconceivable Doctrine,” in which I pointed how many lone-nut theorists in the JFK assassination have reached their conclusion based not on an examination of the circumstantial evidence in the case but instead simply on the notion that it is inconceivable that the U.S. national-security establishment would have carried out a domestic regime-change operation by assassinating an American president. I would invite readers to read or review that article. The purpose of this article is to elaborate on this theme. A lone-theorist might say, “Jacob, it is just inconceivable that the CIA and the Pentagon would engage in assassination.” Yet, the evidence is overwhelming that both the Pentagon and the CIA have assassinated people and, in fact, continue to assassinate people. The circumstantial evidence indicates that as far back as 1953 the CIA was specializing in the art of assassination. That fact is demonstrated by the discovery in the 1990s of a ...

Bush’s Wrong-Headed View on Foreign Policy

Like other conservatives, former President George W. Bush has a muddled understanding of the foreign-policy principles of "interventionism" and "isolationism." In a recent speech to a group in Washington, D.C., called the Atlantic Council, Bush decried President Trump’s foreign policy of “isolationism,” which Bush said was dangerous. Invoking Winston Churchill to explain his foreign-policy philosophy, Bush stated: America is indispensable for ...