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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Last-Minute Christmas Gifts: FFF Best-Selling Ebooks!

Still uncertain what to give friends, relatives, and acquaintances for Christmas? How about one of The Future of Freedom Foundation’s best-selling ebooks? FFF’s newest ebook, Freedom Frauds: Hard Lessons in American Liberty by James Bovard, who is a longtime policy advisor and monthly columnist for FFF. Released this past October, this ebook has now reached #1 on Amazon’s best-seller list in “Political Freedom.” Help advance liberty by sharing with your friends Jim’s detailed accounts of how the welfare-warfare state is destroying freedom and prosperity in America. Austrian Economics and Public Policy: Restoring Peace and Prosperity by Richard Ebeling, co-host of FFF’s weekly Internet show, the Libertarian Angle, and economics professor at the Citadel. Published last April, this ebook is still in Amazon’s top 100 best-sellers for economics. It’s a perfect introduction to Austrian economics and also an interesting read for people already versed in Austrian economics. Monetary Central Planning and the State by Richard Ebeling. Published ...

Help FFF Strive for a Free Society (video)

We must continue advancing liberty: It’s the right thing to do and, despite what is happening in the political world, we might soon see a sudden shift in society toward peace, prosperity, and freedom. One thing is for sure: If we give up, we cannot succeed. Will you help us bring our nation ever closer to a free society with a generous tax-deductible donation to The Future of Freedom Foundation? Donate today.

What Americans Should Know about the Constitution

Having just finished reading a new biography of H.L. Mencken, I was intrigued when I discovered that the Washington Post had an online section about politics called “Monkey Cage.” It was Mencken who said, “Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage.” “Monkey Cage’”s mission “is to connect political scientists and the political conversation by creating a compelling forum, developing publicly focused scholars, and building an informed audience. Here, political scientists draw on their own expertise and the discipline’s research to illuminate the news, inform civic discussion, and make some sense of the circus that is politics.” But it was the headline of the first post I read in the comments section that intrigued me even more. “Too many Americans know too little about the Constitution,” read the headline. That is certainly not fake news, I thought. I saw that ignorance firsthand back when I taught American Government to high-school seniors. Most of them had absolutely ...

Paul Leroy-Beaulieu: A Warning Voice About the Socialist Tragedy to Come

The Russian Revolution of November 1917, now being marked by its centenary, ushered in a hundred years of political tyranny and terror, economic suffering, exploitation and corruption, along with unimaginable mass murder, among the tens of millions of people who came under the control and command of Marxist inspired socialist regimes around the world.  But before this tragic episode ...