Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Questions about Medicaid that Are Never Asked

One of the problems that Democrats had with the feeble (and now failed) Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare was that the Republican plans “cut” Medicaid spending. This is almost a mirror image of what happened in 2010 when the Democratic-controlled Congress passed Obamacare in the first place. After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act “cut” Medicare spending (i.e., it slowed the rate at which spending was increased), some Republicans accused Democrats of cutting a vital health-care program for the elderly. Medicaid is government-funded health care for poor Americans of any age and people with certain disabilities. It is the third-largest federal domestic program (after Social Security and Medicare) and the primary source of health-insurance coverage for low-income populations and nursing-home long-term care. Medicaid is a means-tested welfare program jointly financed by the federal government and the states, but designed and administered by the states within federal guidelines. The federal government pays states a specified percentage of program expenditures ...

Tyrants of the Mind and the New Collectivism

The current counter-revolution against liberty is being fought on a number of fronts in American society. One is on the college and university campuses across the country, where the ideology of “political correctness” is strangling the principle and practice of freedom of speech and the ideal of intellectual controversy and debate. Critical to this campaign against free expression and open exchange of competing and opposing ideas is the capture of the language through which this campaign has been instigated and the linguistic characterization of its protagonists. We need to remember and reflect upon the fact that it is through our language that we think about ourselves, our relationships to others, and the general social order in which we live and that we share with those others. Words do not simply define or delineate the names of objects, individuals, events or actions. Words also contain and connote meanings that create mental imageries, emotions, attitudes and beliefs in people that influences and colors ...

Figuring Out the Kennedy Assassination, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 The official story of the Kennedy assassination is that he was killed by a former U.S. Marine, lone-nut, communist assassin named Lee Harvey Oswald. The big problem, however, is that the official story has never comported with much of the circumstantial evidence in the case nor with common sense, reason, and logic. That’s why no one has ever been able to come up with a credible motive for Oswald to kill Kennedy. As I pointed out in Part 1, by the time he was assassinated Kennedy was ending the Cold War against the communist world and had announced his intention for America to live in peace, friendship, and mutual coexistence with the Soviet Union, especially Russia, Cuba, and the rest of the communist world. If Oswald had, in fact, been an genuine communist, that would have made him ecstatic. Why kill Kennedy knowing that he would be replaced by Johnson, who vehemently disagreed with JFK’s ...