Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

The Libertarian Mind

The Libertarian Mind: A Manifesto for Freedom by David Boaz (Simon & Schuster, 2015); 417 pages. Since the beginning of the so-called Progressive Era, advocates of big government have been on the offensive. They promised Americans more prosperity, better education, increased security, a cleaner environment, a society that’s more fair, and so on — provided they would allow government officials to wield much more power. A great many fell for it. After all, wasn’t it desirable to move toward an improved country at what seemed to be little or no cost? Certainly our leaders would do only things that were in “the public interest.” As those ideas gained ground, interest groups figured out that the expanding state could be very lucrative. They added their voices to the clamor for government to do more. The Progressives, however, tremendously exaggerated the benefits of big government — an “activist” government rather than the small, defensive one envisioned by the Founders. The visionary laws ...

Conservatives Are Squirming (and Capitulating) on Obamacare

For the last seven years, conservatives have had a field day complaining about Obamacare and calling for its repeal. The anti-Obamacare pabulum has been great for garnering donations to conservative organizations and Republican candidates. What conservatives never figured on, however, was that Republicans would end up winning both houses of Congress and the presidency. Now that that has happened, conservatives are squirming — even panicking — over what to do now, especially since the news media is hitting them with reality — that repealing Obamacare is going to leave millions of Americans uninsured and faced with ever-increasing healthcare costs. That means, possibly, losing votes at election time. As I have been writing for the past seven years, even if conservatives succeeded in repealing Obamacare, what good would it do? The nation would still be faced with a monumental healthcare crisis — the healthcare crisis that precipitated the enactment of Obamacare. Remember: the enactment of Obamacare did not arise in a vacuum. It ...

Bemused Over Russian “Meddling”

I must confess that liberals and the liberal press are amusing me to no end over their heated and exuberant reaction to the Trump-Russia meddling “scandal.” I find the whole controversy to be absolutely hilarious. A question that stands out in all this: What’s wrong with an American politician “colluding” with a Russian politician to win an American election? “Treason!” the liberals and the liberal press cry. But doesn’t treason entail giving aid and comfort to the enemy? How can Russia be considered an enemy when the United States isn’t at war with Russia? And puhleeze don’t hit me with “It’s another Cold War, Jacob!” because the first Cold War wasn’t a real war either (just as the war on terrorism or the war on drugs aren't real wars either). A real war entails armies, invasions, attacks, bombings, troops, deaths, and destruction (like what the U.S. government did to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam). There is nothing like that going on between ...

The Moral Foundations of the Free Market Society

Higher education in the United States is engulfed in an ideological campaign against the American political and economic traditions of individual liberty, free competitive markets, and constitutionally limited government. In its place is the “progressive” agenda of collectivist identity politics, the regulatory and redistributive interventionist economy, and political plunder and power. Both “scientific” and casual surveys of political orientation and ...

Mexican Journalistic Idiocy on the Drug War

Mexican journalists are protesting the recent drug-gang killing of Mexican award-winning journalist Javier Valdez, who spent his career investigating and reporting on drug cartels. The protesting journalists want the Mexican government to crack down and bring the killers to justice. With all due respect, that’s just journalistic idiocy. What do these journalists think the Mexican government has been doing for ...