Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Trump’s Foreign Policy: Four More Years of Bush-Obama?

What will President-elect Trump do with respect to foreign policy? Will he follow in the footsteps of George W. Bush and Barack Obama and pursue another four years of death and destruction in the Middle East and Afghanistan? Or will he move America in a different direction by finally bringing U.S. troops home? Unfortunately, he will be coming under tremendous pressure by both liberals and conservatives to continue the death and destruction. Reflecting the moral bankruptcy of the left on the issue of foreign policy, so-called liberal revolutionary Bernie Sanders penned an op-ed entitled “Where the Democrats Go From Here” in last Friday’s issue of the New York Times. In his more than 800-word op-ed, Sanders enumerated the standard litany of socialist and regulatory programs that he says liberals should continue promoting: The minimum wage. Public works. Education grants. Social Security. Medicare. Paid family leave. Public housing. Progressive income taxation. Of course, what Sanders fails to recognize is that it ...

Trump’s Supporters Don’t Yet Get It

Trump’s supporters are on the right track, but they still just don’t get it. They know that something is wrong with America. They are characterized by a deep sense of dis-ease about where our country is and where it is going. On a personal level, many of them are barely making ends meet. They have little or no savings. They live paycheck to paycheck. Some of them are unemployed. They see American businesses closing down and moving abroad.  Some of them resent the fact that the one percent and the politically elite are doing just fine. Their cause for concern is actually a good thing and provides hope for us libertarians. I’d be concerned if everyone was happy and content with what is going on in the country, as many of Hillary Clinton’s supporters are. Just look at our country: A president whose army and CIA wield the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to assassinate anyone they want, round up people, put them in ...

Government Licensing or Private Certification?

Everyone understands the need for children to obtain permission from their parents before undertaking certain activities: sleeping over at a friend’s house, viewing a particular movie, going on a field trip, participating in some sport, attending a particular party, staying up late, playing a particular video game, making a major purchase at a store, surfing the Internet, or having some medical procedure. Whether the issue is safety, security, fiscal responsibility, liability, or morality, it is generally true that father and mother know best. Even when it is grandparents, older siblings, or other relatives that are the ones granting the permissions, it is still generally true that the families of the children know what is best for the children, not the children’s friends, schoolmates, teachers, and neighbors. But since government is not a parent, or even a babysitter, a caretaker, or a nanny, why is it that adults must get permission from it to open a business, engage in commerce, work in ...

Don’t Forget JFK’s Fight with the CIA

Weighing in against President-Elect Donald Trump in his disagreement with the CIA over alleged Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election, the Wall Street Journal’s Shane Harris writes, “Donald Trump has picked a fight with the Central Intelligence Agency over Russian hacking of American elections, an unprecedented move for an incoming president.” (Emphasis added.) The likely reason that Harris employed ...

Will the CIA Retaliate Against Trump?

In a truly remarkable bit of honesty and candor regarding the U.S. national-security establishment, new Senate minority leader Charles Schumer has accused President-elect Trump of “being really dumb.” Was Schumer referring to Trump’s ideology, philosophy, or knowledge about economics or foreign policy? None of the above. According to an article in The Hill, he told Rachel Maddow on her show that ...