Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Why Libertarians Can Win

I received a very interesting email this week, asking the following question of me: “What keeps you from giving up, abandoning all hope, and despairing when so few people seem to be able to grasp that freedom is better than control?” Those of us living today obviously live in a statist society, consisting primarily of the following major infringements on liberty, all of which are interrelated: (1) the welfare state, which includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, subsidies, education grants, and all other coercive transfer programs; (2) the warfare state or national-security state, which consists of the vastly enormous and permanent military establishment, the CIA, and the CIA, along with their philosophy of foreign interventionism, foreign empire, and regime change; (3) the drug war, which continues to decimate people and destroy freedom all over the world; (4) the managed and regulated economy, by which government officials interfere with the natural workings of the market process; (5) the income and the IRS, which ...

April 15: A Discomforting Reminder of the Past

April 15, the date by which American citizens scramble to file their federal income tax returns and pay their income taxes, serves as a discomforting reminder of America’s past: the fact that Americans didn't do this type of thing for some 125 years after the enactment of the Constitution. That’s not because income taxes are some sort of new invention that 20th-century Americans came up with. It doesn’t take a political rocket scientist to figure out that one good way for government to get money is by seizing a portion of people’s income. In fact, grabbing the fruits of people’s earnings has always been a well-established way for government to get its money, especially tyrannical governments, which always seem to be in need of ever-increasing amounts of money. When the American people called the federal government into existence, they were fully aware of income taxation as a way to fund it. They rejected it. They did not want this way of ...

Compassion, Morality, and the Repeal of Social Security

In my last three blog posts ( (here, here, and here), I have shown that Social Security is just another welfare program, no different from all other welfare programs, including food stamps, farm subsidies, aid to the arts, and foreign aid to dictators. I have also shown the fundamental immorality that Social Security shares with all other socialist programs — it takes money by force from people to whom it belongs and gives it to people to whom it does not belong. When that happens in the private sector, people call it stealing or thievery. When the federal government does the same thing, people call it wonderful and glorious. The obvious question arises: Given the fundamentally wrongful nature of Social Security, what should be done? I say: When something is wrongful or sinful, the only proper course of action is: End it, immediately. But supporters of this socialist scheme say that to suddenly terminate Social Security would be unfair and uncaring. ...

Open Immigration with a Welfare State

Although free-market economist Milton Friedman defended the principle of open immigration, he had a caveat: “It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.” Conservatives and even some libertarians have long used Friedman’s statement to justify their support of government-controlled immigration. But Friedman was wrong. Of course you can have both open immigration and a welfare state. ...

The Libertarian Sticking Point

Why aren’t more Americans libertarians? Why aren’t more liberals becoming libertarians? They generally share the libertarian commitment to freedom of speech, civil liberties, personal freedom, privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, or at least they claim to do so. Why aren’t more conservatives becoming libertarians? They generally share the libertarian commitment to the free market, limited government, free trade, property ...