Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Do You Want Your Children to Die for Montenegro?

Get used to the possibility that your son or daughter might end up dying for Montenegro because that country has just been invited to become the latest member of NATO, the Cold War organization that was brought into existence to defend Europe from America’s World War II partner and ally, the Soviet Union. Just in case you’ve never heard of Montenegro or maybe don’t know where it is, here’s a link to Wikipedia’s page on the country: It seems to me that if your son or daughter might have to die in the defense of Montenegro, you might want to know a little about it or at least where it is located. Once Montenegro becomes a member of NATO, the United States is automatically obligated to come to the defense of that country if it comes under attack by Russia or any other nation. No, there is no debate in Congress. No, antiwar demonstrations won’t make any difference. No, ...

Reclaiming the Christmas Spirit

What a turbulent year it’s been. For those of us who have managed to survive 2015 with our lives intact and our freedoms hanging by a thread, it has been a year of crackdowns, clampdowns, shutdowns, showdowns, shootdowns, standdowns, knockdowns, putdowns, breakdowns, lockdowns, takedowns, slowdowns, meltdowns, and never-ending letdowns. As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we’ve been held up, stripped down, faked out, photographed, frisked, fracked, hacked, tracked, cracked, intercepted, accessed, spied on, zapped, mapped, searched, shot at, tasered, tortured, tackled, trussed up, tricked, lied to, labeled, libeled, leered at, shoved aside, saddled with debt not of our own making, sold a bill of goods about national security, tuned out by those representing us, tossed aside, and taken to the cleaners. After endless months of being mired in gloom and doom, we now find ourselves just a few weeks away from Christmas, struggling to latch onto that spirit of joy, ...

Muslims, Islam, and the Koran Are Not the Problem

One of the most fascinating aspects to the post-9/11 “war on terrorism” is the fixation of American statists on Muslims, Islam, and the Koran. “The Muslims are coming to get us,” they cry. "The Muslims have been trying to conquer the world for centuries. They’re determined to establish a worldwide caliphate, one in which everyone will be forced to convert to Islam. They want to replace America’s common-law legal system with Sharia law. The Koran mandates that Muslims kill Christians, Jews, and other infidels and, therefore, we have no choice but to kill them before they kill us.” Yet, deep down American statists have to realize that all this just a crock. The war on terrorism is not about protecting America from the threat of a worldwide caliphate. The war on terrorism is all about imperialism and interventionism. It’s about control. It’s about whether the U.S. Empire is going to be able to impose its will on people and governments ...

What If Jesus Had Been Born 2,000 Years Later in the American Police State?

“Two thousand years later … the memory of the revolutionary zealot who walked across Galilee gathering an army of disciples with the goal of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, the magnetic preacher who defied the authority of the Temple priesthood in Jerusalem, the radical Jewish nationalist who challenged the Roman occupation and lost, has been almost completely ...

The State of the Union Speech Obama Should Have Given

My fellow Americans, the current state of the United States is a disaster. The federal government continues with its out-of-control spending binge, on both the welfare state and the warfare state. The federal government is going deeper and deeper into debt, much as Greece and Puerto Rico did before going broke. An ever-growing number of Americans have become hopelessly dependent on Social ...

Dangerous Speech: Would the Founders Be Considered Domestic Extremists Today?

“If you can’t say ‘F***’ you can’t say, ‘F*** the government.’” ― Lenny Bruce Not only has free speech become a four-letter word—profane, obscene, uncouth, not to be uttered in so-called public places—but in more and more cases, the government deems free speech to be downright dangerous and in some instances illegal. The U.S. government has become particularly intolerant ...